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Well reviewed shows that ended as flops Jan 3
2012, 06:39:49 PM
I'm currently writing an article for my schools newspaper about the closing of shows due to big blockbuster musicals stealing away the commercial appeal from small well-received shows by both audiences and critics. I know this may sound stupid, and please, please, please don't post any mean or hateful comments. I would just really appreciate your help. Thanks so much.
re: Broadway on 9/11 and after Jun 2
2011, 12:17:05 AM
After reading this thread, I got chills because it was so interesting and scary. I was wondering if maybe we could continue with it because although its been a few years, I feel that its important to share our stories and the stories of other shows. Please, please, please take this seriously. I lost somebody very close to me on that day, and the theatre was my only escape. So I think it would be great for all if we kept this thread going. Thank you very much
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