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Member Name: dreside
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Theatre on Film and Tape paused
 Nov 13 2020, 05:06:33 PM

UPDATE: Due to rising numbers of infections in the area, we (the Theatre Division at New York Public Library) have to roll back our re-opening of the Theatre on Film and Tape Archive for now. You can still request free digital copies of paper materials at Hopefully we'll be able to offer access to the TOFT archive again very soon.

Theatre on Film and Tape Archive open again
 Nov 11 2020, 07:54:46 AM
Email us at, but on the electronic delivery form, the library card # is not a required field.
Theatre on Film and Tape Archive open again
 Nov 11 2020, 07:51:58 AM
Anyone can use TOFT if you have a library card. And anyone can get a library card (although depending on where you live it might have different restrictions and expiration dates), but TOFT is not affected by the restrictions. You can get a library card by emailing us at
Theatre on Film and Tape Archive open again[Update: closed again]
 Nov 10 2020, 04:33:40 PM

UPDATE: Sadly, rising numbers of infection in NYC have forced us to roll back our opening for now.  You can still request free digital copies of paper materials at

The Theatre on Film and Tape Archive in the Theatre Division of NYPL is now making appointments to view material at the Library again. You can also request an appointment to view other material (special collections, books, etc.) as well, but the staff encourage you to make use of the electronic document delivery system for paper-based material if at all possible ( To make an appointment to come into the library, set up a consultation at A librarian will ensure the material is available and will set up a time for you to visit.

NYPL Theatre division offers digital delivery of documents
 Oct 21 2020, 04:08:09 PM

Not yet, but the signs point to very soon. 

NYPL Theatre division offers digital delivery of documents
 Oct 21 2020, 03:59:22 PM

Public service announcement: The Library for the Performing Arts is currently providing "electronic delivery" on demand for most of the paper-based material in our collection. If you need to look at something in our collection, the staff here are able to take reference photographs for you...for free! We'll even try to help you hunt down material. Most of the theatre division staff are now on site at least one day a week and we're here to help! (FYI: We're not currently able to serve our video or audio material remotely) Email or, if you already know what you need, fill out this simple form:

Musical of the Month: The Choir Rehearsal
 Jun 18 2019, 01:11:18 PM

Musical of the Month at the New York Public Library is reborn! Here's a guest blog by Sarah Whitfield and a libretto transcribed by Sarah and Alexander Greenberg:

Thanks to Georgia Stitt and Maestra Music for bringing Clare Kummer to our attention!

West Side Story/Google
 Sep 30 2017, 10:40:32 AM

Hi All,

I worked with colleagues from NYPL, Carnegie Hall, the Museum of the City of New York on this Google Culture exhibit which has just launched:

There's about 1300 images of West Side Story from NYPL's collections in there (many of which have never been seen by anyone other than the photographers). I also conducted a couple of video interviews with original cast members, photographer Carol Rosegg (who worked with Martha Swope), and Liza Gennaro (Peter Gennaro's daughter).

Also, thanks to Mark Horowitz for his assistance in obtaining and including several of the Library of Congress images he included in his fantastic exhibit for the 50th anniversary. The online version can still be viewed here



Musical of the Month: Tenderlon
 Dec 11 2014, 03:10:08 PM
Several versions of the libretto of Tenderloin, along with a guest
blog by Philip Lambert, can be found here:

Jerry Bock's Demos of Fiddler
 Oct 1 2014, 01:13:28 PM
You can now hear Jerry Bock's demos of Fiddler streaming from New York Public Library.
Show Boat Libretto
 Jul 8 2014, 05:41:17 PM
Four circa 1927 copies of Show Boat (some with annotations in Hammerstein's
hand!) are now online along with a great guest blog by Todd Decker:

See Marsha Norman, Thomas Meehan, and Stuart Ostrow (for free!)
 Mar 18 2014, 08:01:04 PM
For those in NYC, there are some great free events happening at my job (the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center)

From Silver Screen to Great White Way: Adapting Films into Musicals
Monday, March 24, 6 P.M. - Bruno Walter Auditorium (111 Amsterdam Ave)

In recent years Broadway has increasingly looked to Hollywood for musical theater source material, and this spring is no exception. Join Ken Cerniglia, Dramaturg for Disney Theatrical Group, Marsha Norman, book writer for The Bridges of Madison County, and Thomas Meehan, book writer for Rocky, for a revealing discussion about the process of adapting a film into a musical.

The Letters of Stuart Ostrow
Thursday, March 27, 6 P.M. - Bruno Walter Auditorium (111 Amsterdam Ave)

The Library for the Performing Arts welcomes theater producer Stuart Ostrow to the stage for an evening celebrating his legendary career. Joined in conversation by Ted Chapin, president of Rodgers and Hammerstein, Ostrow will examine letters from his own archive that reveal the untold stories behind his famous shows, including Pippin, 1776, The Apple Tree, La Bête, and M. Butterfly. Enjoy your favorite songs from Ostrow’s musicals, performed by a new generation of emerging Broadway talent.

Listen to Jerry Bock's demos for Fiorello!
 Feb 27 2014, 12:52:19 PM
Hi All,
I'm really excited to announce that Jerry Bock's demos for Fiorello! as well as a prompt book for the original production are now on the library website with the very generous permission of the rights holders.

First blog + libretto:


Songwriting meet-up at Lincoln Center
 Sep 3 2013, 01:51:15 PM
I’m very excited to announce that, one enchanted evening (6:00-8:30 on October 5th to be precise), we will host the first Across A Crowded Room meet-up at the Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center! For over two hours, our new Library café will become a crowded room where you may, in fact, meet a stranger (or strangers…) with whom you can beautiful musicals together.

Participants will be placed into groups of composer, lyricists, book-writers, and singers, and given 60 minute

First Date's Zachary and Weiner Issue Songwriting Challenge
 Jul 26 2013, 03:34:54 PM
The 4th songwriting challenge is now up at NYPL's Across A Crowded Room.

Zachary and Weiner (creators of "First Date" on Broadway) ask players to write a song for the following situation:

"After Trevor and Sara meet in a bar and have an ensuing night of passion, the two uncomfortably sing a "morning after" duet, having just realized that they are… related."

Songwriting Challenge from Joshua Schmidt
 Jul 12 2013, 12:15:41 PM
New prompt at Across A Crowded Room:

This time from Josh Schmidt of Adding Machine and Minister's Wife.


Nick Blaemire Songwriting Challenge
 Jun 28 2013, 11:22:08 AM
The second songwriting challenge is up at This week's comes from Nick Blaemire:

Write the "I want" song for Kim Kardashian's dastardly world takeover musical.

NYPL songwriting game
 Jun 13 2013, 08:02:45 PM
I'm very pleased to announce "Across A Crowded Room." A game in which we at New York Public Library ask aspiring lyricists and composers to write songs in response to a challenge posed by a musical theater professional. The first challenge (by Jason Robert Brown) has just been posted. Come play!
Musical of the Month: Barefoot Boy With Cheek
 May 24 2013, 05:42:19 PM
This month is another revised libretto by Ben West of UnsungMusicals Co. This time it's the 1940s show, Barefoot Boy With Cheek (libretto and archival photos included)
Musical of the Month: Very Good Eddie
 Apr 2 2013, 02:13:29 PM
Due to the holidays last week, March's musical of the month is a bit late, but the blog and libretto is linked below.
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