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Today's Performances that Will Become Iconic
 Sep 7 2013, 07:12:59 PM
To whoever said Miller will be better remembered than Vereen... I actually don't have words. BUT to answer the question, I'm afraid that Pinkins and Ebersole's shows were not well known enough to survive especially with Wicked, Avenue Q and Spring Awakening (3 obscenely popular shows)winning awards those years. Maybe they will be remembered through sheer awesomeness of their performances but then again no one mentioned Brent Carver (Probably the greatest male performance in Broadway history) or
Which Musical (Original or Revival) Was A major Disappointment For You?
 Jun 3 2013, 02:39:26 AM
Newsies, AWFUL! The only good thing about it was the dancing and the attractiveness of the cast. Talk about a bad book!
Musical masterpieces
 Jun 3 2013, 02:35:23 AM
Showboat- HANDS DOWN, not only because it is the first of the "modern musical" but because it is bold, groundbreaking, and the book/score alone can be read/listened to like a book/symphony

Cabaret- I think any show that can be interpreted so differently and create such diverse emotions with a single concept justifies itself as a masterpiece. Selected songs alone from Cabaret could be masterpieces, but what really solidifies it are the complexities of the characters. It's a musical whose

Bare Revival Licensing
 Mar 27 2013, 08:58:08 PM
Absolutely agree, but I think the option show still be available for weirdos like me who like the revival version more. I mean most shows liscene both the revival and original versions, I don't see why they can't especially for 2 drastically different productions
Bare Revival Licensing
 Mar 26 2013, 01:05:11 AM
I feel like the revival has a lot stronger of a libretto, and I know a lot of people don't like the amount of change from the original to the nws version, but the additional songs and the use of a book gives the show a lot more body. Not to mention you can actually know the characters in the revival. Nadia seemed to be the only character with any development or meat to it in the original. With a book, it's understandable why Jason and Peter love each other, instead of a vague mutual horniness.
bare revival question
 Mar 26 2013, 12:58:47 AM
I personally liked the revival more than the original. Don't get me wrong, the original is extremely dear to me, but I don't think anyone's going to argue that it is a fine piece of music theatre from a technical stand point? The reason people love Bare is because of its heart not its genius, and I think the revival kept the heart (though altered) and added a sense of stability to the plot. I love Sister Joan and her back story and I especially love the additional scenes between Peter and Jason. In the original it seemed as if only Peter was actually in love with a man. Jason seemed straight and capable of being attracted to Ivy more so than he was to Peter. In the revival, there are a lot more tender moments where you see that Jason IS apart of the relationship not just peter's crush. It also gives reason to be attracted to either character. In the original Jason was a shallow, selfish jock you hated just a tad, and Peter was (although adorable) extremely whiny and unlikable. With the closer look at Jason's tenderness and making Peter into a funny dorky guy that IS extremely likable, it makes since why they are in love.

Now with Nadia, although I think the characterization of Nadia as an obese sister is a better plot line, Nadia's songs in the revival are KILLER! I also like the whole thing she has for Matt, it gives her another dimension. I think it leaves enough room for interpretation that the role could be played by an overweight actress.

The cut of the openings of Act 1 and 2 worked really well. I love me some hallucinations but don't you think it was a little much? Million Miles is a really good song and I love the added Dance element to the show. I'm glad they cut Wonderland and replaced it with Sex Appeal. The song just seemed out of context with the rest of the show. 911 Emergency kinda bored me so I like the new Sister Joan song as a lounge singer. One thing that pisses me off a little is changing role of lifetime to Jason's song just because that was Peter's only solo and now he doesn't get to sing that much

The added bullying element is almost a need considering the string of suicides that sprung this revival. Also Diane is a really adorable character and "Best Friend" is probably my favorite new song!

Well that's my 2 cents!

Bare Revival Licensing
 Mar 26 2013, 12:29:55 AM
Apparently they aren't going to license the revised script of bare I love the original but the revival's book (existed) was absolutely hilarious and I loved the new songs and the new characters.
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