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Member Name: ttalovebug
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How about Nick Jonas in a Damn Yankees revival?
 Apr 24 2012, 10:58:52 PM
Gasp! A non-bitchy post about Jonas? I thought that wasn't allowed....

I agree with your sentiment.

Samantha Barks to Play Eponine in LES MIS Film
 Feb 1 2012, 04:23:09 AM
*sorry, double post.

Samantha Barks to Play Eponine in LES MIS Film
 Feb 1 2012, 04:22:16 AM
I cannot even attempt to convey the joy this news has brought me. The idea of Swift playing Eponine was enough to make me lose faith in this movie entirely- not just because the part requires skills she doesn't have, but becasue her casting meant box office was the number one priority to the filmakers. The fact that they chose an actress unknown to Hollywood over so many big names means they care about making a truly great film out of Les Mis, not just a bankable one. I don't think this choice i
LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
 Jan 20 2012, 11:50:06 PM
Oh, dear God. My heart sank when I saw that photo. There's no way that's a coincidence, right?
West Side Story 1980
 Jan 12 2012, 02:42:46 PM
Pal Joey-

Does footage exsist of any company dancing the original Somewhere ballet? I was truly disappointed when I went to see the recent tour and saw that the nightmare sequence was cut- and I have read the choreography was from NYCB's WSS Suite rather than the original ballet (please correct me if I'm wrong). I've never seen the original, but just in theory I felt the cutting of the nightmare sequence really made the ballet seem pointless, and excuse for pretty dancing rather than to

LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
 Jan 5 2012, 03:51:53 PM
I don't know how much weight people in the industry give this, but I wonder if her "people"- manager, publicist, etc. have looked at internet reaction to this. There are always haters for every celeb, yes, but several spoof videos on her casting within hours of the announcement? If you glance through twitter,tumblr, or any set of comments anywhere, negative reaction outweighs the positive about 90%, it seems. You don't even have to weed through error-laden support comments, because they're not r
Successful Musical Sequels?
 Dec 13 2011, 10:05:30 PM
^ Replace "wicked" with "phantom", and there you have Love Never Dies.
Who will be replacing Nick Jonas in HOW TO SUCCEED?
 Sep 9 2011, 12:41:02 AM
I agree with a previous poster, I don't think the behavior will be as big an issue as people think (it's not letting me quote at the moment). People are going off of the Hollywood Bowl reaction he got, but that's a "concert arena", with very different audience behavior than a small, enclosed theater. As I can recall, there were no issues with screaming when Jonas did his Les Mis run at the Queens.

Re: Little Princess
 Sep 7 2011, 11:26:21 PM
Just had to reply and say I agree 100%- no exaggeration, I think it's one of the best films I've ever seen. And as an added bonus, the score is exquisite. The first thing I thought when I clicked on this is that I don't think I could ever really get in to a musical version of the story, because the score from the 1995 film will always be the first thing that comes to mind.
Rebecca Caine
 Sep 6 2011, 03:29:56 PM
^^ Wow, really??!

I've heard so many people talk about how Christine is a boring, bland, lifeless and brainless character, but I've always felt that in the hands of a great actress who cared, she could be a fascinating one. Such a shame that the producers WANT the character to be that idiotic, silly girl.

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