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Member Name: Innis_mor
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Les Miserables Movie Auditions/Casting Info
 Oct 15 2011, 02:23:58 PM
The 'opinion' of JE "artificially darkening" and "damaging" her voice is out there, amongst the more 'unknowing'. It's repudiated with much direct expertise guiding JE and her career. Her singing is pure genius; comes from her head / brain.

On the dubbing, I can certainly see that. The actors should all sing there own parts in a movie, even if they are edited in from the recording studio to maximize the singing 'result'. Imagine if Broadway shows started having all the roles lyp-synch

Les Miserables Movie Auditions/Casting Info
 Oct 15 2011, 12:29:55 PM
If Emma Watson is to play Cosette and if her singing is to be dubbed, I might suggest Jackie Evancho for that. Either that, or cast her directly in a role (Young Cosette?). She is both a soprano and an actress with her card (she is filming this month and next in Vancouver, Robert Redford's 'The Company You Keep', where she plays his protagonist character's daughter in an important role). This girl is "genius talented' and those that don't take note of what she brings to any production (pretty mu
Les Miserables Movie Casting Rumors and Filming Date
 Oct 11 2011, 09:10:49 PM
Well Jackie Evancho is no longer an untried actor (well, shortly, anyway). Robert Redford has cast her in his new movie (producing, directing, starring) "The Company You Keep". She plays his daughter. It is filming right now in Vancouver. The cast for Redford's movie is starting to make Tom's bumper cast look a little short. Tom Hooper should nab Jackie for Young Cosette (2 songs). (I hear she can sing decently. loL!)
Les Miserables Movie Auditions/Casting Info
 Oct 11 2011, 07:55:26 PM
Early news out (not confirmed in very many spots, on on IMDB as yet), but Robert Redford (producing, directing, acting) has purportedly cast Jackie Evancho as his daughter in 'The Company You Keep', a thriller set to film in 2012. Redford is doing like Hooper, gathering up a who's who of known names for his film (except it looks like's he going to trump Hooper on that count! lol!). This casting may now spark Hooper's interest in Evancho now (for Young Cosette). We'll see. I just think it would b
Les Miserables Movie Auditions/Casting Info
 Sep 26 2011, 08:46:14 PM
Until I see several reputable sources confirming signings, then one shouldn't read much (or any) into "someone" saying..... So, I think we have Jackman and Crowe confirmed so far. That's it.

Putting my marketing cap on, if I'm Tom Hooper, I'd be looking seriously at trying to secure Jackie Evancho for Young Cosette. Shortish part, two songs, she has expressed an interest in acting, and I hear she can sing. She'd bring in a few million people that might otherwise be teetering on going to

Les Miserables Movie-Eponine Announced?
 Sep 5 2011, 02:17:21 PM
The movie is barreling up on the names (Hooper (+ half of King's Speech), Jackman, Hathaway. Hall will do fine.

Now, as piece-de-resistance, they just need to secure Jackie Evancho as Young Cosette. She has not acted but can certainly put emotion into her live singing, so I wonder if she'd be quite OK in a part that doesn't carry through the whole story (someone else has to take over as teen Cosette). She's a young looking 11 right now and I gather Young Cosette is to present as 8-ish.

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