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Member Name: lori2
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re: Random Wicked Musings (Chicago production)
 May 26 2005, 04:00:08 PM
I saw the show on May 17, and I am still in deep thought about it. There were so many excellent issues brought up in this play. Being shunned for being different, having it all and still not being fulfilled, relationships based on sympathy, it was like like a visit to the shrink!
 May 26 2005, 03:51:08 PM
after I read this comment, I laughed for the first time today. This is just plain amusing now. Poor guy.
re: Oh--MY--GAWD! My Wicked review with Jenna as Elphaba/Chicago
 May 25 2005, 09:33:18 AM
Funny story about a dumb ass mistake i made...Online trying to get tickets thru ticket master, and under the heading "wicked" found tickets (so I thought) for 10$ for the 11:00 show! SO, I snapped up 3 of them , and then proceeded to call everyone I know screaming about it. Imagine how stupid I felt when my mom called me back to explain that I had just bought 3 tickets to tour the theater BEFORE the show. ARRRGGGGG! At least they gave me my money back...
 May 25 2005, 09:12:24 AM
Lol, there certainly is a LOT of bitchiness on this site!
re: Oh--MY--GAWD! My Wicked review with Jenna as Elphaba/Chicago
 May 20 2005, 04:23:22 PM
Well, I dont think there is any way I will get back to see it before they leave. I guess Ana Gasteyer will be the Elphaba then. I cant really picture her as Elphaba cuz Jenna was so pretty, but, whatever. Has anyone seen lion King? I am going to see it on July 30.
re: Oh--MY--GAWD! My Wicked review with Jenna as Elphaba/Chicago
 May 19 2005, 10:12:16 PM
No problem about that misunderstanding.It seemed she wanted you to feel bad or something. How many times have you seen the show? If I buy the cd, will I be better to critique it and know how the songs are supposed to be sung? When is Jenna and Stephanie done, because Ana Gasteyer is taking over...
re: Oh--MY--GAWD! My Wicked review with Jenna as Elphaba/Chicago
 May 19 2005, 05:29:04 PM
You sound very cynical, and NEWSFLASH - you dont know what the hell your talking about. There are actually nice people in the world, although your obviously not one of them.
re: Oh--MY--GAWD! My Wicked review with Jenna as Elphaba/Chicago
 May 19 2005, 05:13:35 PM
I was in no way, shape, or form, mocking or poking fun at Stephanie. I was truely touched by this beautiful musical, and I was excited to have a forum to rave about it in. I have no idea what would make you think I would try and hurt Stephanie's feelings. I think she sounds like a lovely girl. If you think I am a dork for being so over the top for my feelings about this play, I cant help that. And also, now I feel a little ashamed to express myself in this forum because obviously, there is at le
re: Oh--MY--GAWD! My Wicked review with Jenna as Elphaba/Chicago
 May 18 2005, 10:17:03 PM
I saw last nights show. Were you there? Did you go outside to see the actors? I totally scared Derrick Williams with my sudden burst of sobs. It was my first time seeing it. How many times have you seen it? I am totally obsessed now. I am buying the cd A.S.A.P., I need every kind of wicked t shirt there is, and I need to like, be part of every fan club. I am going to try to get back there with my husband. How do you get those cancelled tickets? Any good places for discounted seats? All of the on
re: Oh--MY--GAWD! My Wicked review with Jenna as Elphaba/Chicago
 May 18 2005, 03:59:57 PM
I just saw Wicked for the very first time and (scream) it was ... FANTASTIC! INCREDIBLE! SPELLBINDING! I cried literally the entire time. I know that a lot of other people were crying because I could hear the sniffles, but when the lights went on for intermission, I had to cover my face for a second, because I went into the ugly cry! YIKES! Yeah, uh, I met Derrick Williams outside (very nice - got an autograph and a picture) and as I was trying to tell him I loved it and I cried the whole time,
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