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Member Name: PaperLantern
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re: New Sweeney Pic! (With Lovett)
 Aug 10 2007, 12:55:16 PM
And you can get the feel of a film from one picture?
re: Vocal Nodes
 Jul 24 2005, 03:58:49 AM
All this is silly. Simple prayer and vitamins get rid of notes. Lickity split.
re: Jessica Lange
 Jun 25 2005, 08:55:27 PM
I'm very sorry. I didn't realize that on message boards you should type out someone's full name until an appropriate time has passed. (I don't mean that to sound snarky.)

I'm sorry if I've caused any trouble to PJ, Rathnait62, et al. Seriously.

re: Jessica Lange
 Jun 25 2005, 08:45:09 PM
When I'm a legend do I get to start using words like "ass"? Why couldn't I be a lurker? Do you really thing normal people just stumble upon this board?

But, going back to Rath's first comment to me, it would seem that on day one you must be pleasant, but after that you can start being catty and snarky?

re: Jessica Lange
 Jun 25 2005, 08:39:10 PM
re: Jessica Lange
 Jun 25 2005, 08:32:44 PM
Sure thing, Rath.
re: Jessica Lange
 Jun 25 2005, 08:22:18 PM
At least you didn't type "set's fire."
re: Jessica Lange
 Jun 25 2005, 08:09:09 PM
Hey PJ, that needlessly snarky answer would have come off better if you hadn't idiotically misused that apostrophe.
re: Is Wicked or The Wizard of Oz....cursed?
 Jun 24 2005, 04:52:12 PM
please please please tell me that grownups really don't believe that certain plays or shows are "Cursed" and bad things happen to people involved. Some shows are certainly more dangerous (Shows with flying, and trap doors and really strenuous physical demands) and some moveis have more than their share of accidents (See above) but, really, there are no curses. There are no elves. No real witches.

Oh, honey, Paper Lantern hears you on that one. Paper Lantern feels the same way

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