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re: DISNEY Presents Tarzan
 Jun 29 2005, 11:36:58 PM
I just wish if they were going to make another Disney musical, they would've picked one with better music. >_< I'm not a big fan of Tarzan's songs.
re: Which is the Cast Recording you're never tired of ?
 Jun 29 2005, 10:12:13 PM
Les Mis
and Rent

re: Phantom...It Just keeps getting worse... (Don't read if you're a fan)
 Jun 29 2005, 01:10:59 PM
I'll always have a special interest in Phantom 'cause it was the first show I ever saw, but after just seeing it again during the Boston tour, I certainly have lost some of my love for it, especially after seeing shows like Into the Woods and Falsettos.

It's just so hard because the characters are all so stiff, and there is hardly any character development at all, and the music is definetly dated now. I was just glad I got to see Gary Mauer as Phantom this time, that was the highligh

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