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Member Name: PerforMeg
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 Dec 28 2017, 03:41:45 PM

AlfredDrakeII said: "Contrary opinions from an "Uncle Tom*":

I am a Blackperformer. There has never been a better time to be one, yet I am still supposed to believe that I am being discriminated against for some reason.

I understand now that all my years of classical training (at an elite institution), and my years working with the best of the best both here and regionally mean nothing--it's more important that I'm Black so that those in charge

 Dec 28 2017, 02:01:08 AM

Have not posted here for many years but I love this discussion and really wanted to weigh in.

Directors and casting agencies can make an impact here as well.  For one example, I would love to see some diversity of body type represented amongst all of the other diversity that we need.  This goes for Hollywood and New York-based theatre.  When I was in NY, I was told I had a lot of talent but I was "too fat for any of the roles you're good for."  I w

Does anyone do LaChuisa's Wild Party?
 Apr 17 2009, 01:02:48 AM
Between Lippa's and LaChuisa's it is pretty easy to understand why regional theatres tend to do Lippa's...simpler plot line, less historical exploration, tough music but easier than LaChuisa's (I think)...and then of course there is the whole black face thing. So my question is, what (if any) regional companies have done LaChuisa's? I've been revisiting them both recently and was wondering.

Asylum: The Strange Case of Mary Todd Lincoln
 Jan 8 2008, 11:01:56 PM
Did anyone see this at the York Theatre in the fall of 2006? How was it? I've read some reviews online, the consensus seems to be "boring with nice music". Any thoughts? Also, does anyone know if there is anywhere online that I can hear sound clips from the recording before I dish out for the CD? And one more: Is there a show website or composer website with some pictures?

Thanks useful theatre fans! :)

re: New Little Mermaid Photos
 Oct 23 2007, 08:29:04 PM
Oooh la la! Norm Lewis! Hello Mr. Abs!
re: Assassins
 Apr 28 2007, 02:41:19 PM
It's definitely a combo for me:

1) Everybody's Got the Right-Revival
2) Ballad of Booth-Original (although I wish I could put Victor and NPH together)
3) How I Saved Roosevelt- Original (Eddie Korbich's high notes are effortless)
4) Gun Song-Original (The blend of the quartet is much much better)
5) Ballad of Czolgosz-Revival (I like the quicker tempo)
6) Unworthy of Your Love-Original (I love Alex Gemigniani but am not a fan of Mary Catherine Garrison in that

re: Which recording of HAIR is the most complete?
 Apr 28 2007, 02:19:05 PM
The Actors Fund Concert is absolutely stunning vocally but in truth it is a bit too polished and "musical theatre-y" for the intention of the show. It was meant to sound quite raw-that's not to say that you can't have good singers in it but on the Actors fund recording many are a bit to trained (a good example is Gavin Creel's "Goin' Down"-it's well done but doesn't fit the song IMO. Also, Shoshana's "I Believe In Love" is indeed fierce but completely stylistically off base) The structure is als
re: Can Maria (Sound of Music) be black?
 Apr 27 2007, 09:08:51 PM
I haven't cast the role yet..I have a couple of additional audition appointments set up (they were scheduled before I saw the girl in discussion) so we'll see how those go. I am loving all of your feedback and it's really helping. That's why I love this board-different viewpoints from all over the place!

Michael Bennett-there are no other non-white ethnicities present in the show. I just don't live in a city with a lot of different ethnicities in the theatre community.

I must

re: Worst Changes Made in an Amateur Production
 Apr 25 2007, 02:56:56 AM
Shrek???? Shrek!

I saw a production of Jesus Christ Superstar which was pretty good overall but they added a character named the Angel of Death. I saw this in the program before the show started and I just went "Oh good lord". So we get to the part where Judas is about to kill himself, and from the back of the house comes this g-g-g-g-gay guy with an amazing body who was the choreographer.(The rest of the cast was middle aged overweight people from a certain midwestern sta

re: Can Maria (Sound of Music) be black?
 Apr 24 2007, 01:21:38 AM
Such an interesting discussion this has sparked!

FYI for those who asked, she is excellent...a true singer with a lovely, warm personality and incredibly cute. I need to do some more research on the topic (I've been bad...I'm also working on Assassins and I've been wrapped up in researching that!) and find out just how likely it would have been.

I'm leaning towards casting her. Honestly once upon a time had someone expressed this idea to me I wouldn't have bought it either. B

Can Maria (Sound of Music) be black?
 Apr 23 2007, 09:04:49 PM
Hi all...this may seem like a dumb question to some but here it is...I'm casting a production of The Sound of Music and we have a beautiful and talented young woman who sang and read for Maria and she is very good. However, she is African American.

On the one hand we have the color blind casting that has become prevalent in this country, which is wonderful and I'm all for. I was ready to cast her when other members of the creative team objected due to the historical context.

re: Favorite Mental Breakdown Song
 Jan 3 2007, 03:16:42 AM
Love "I'm Breaking Down" from FALSETTOS

Also, VIOLET has a great climax number where she finds out she can't be healed by the preacher: "Raise Me Up reprise" into "Look At Me." Very stirring.

A funny breakdown song is "Old Fashioned Love Story" from Lippas Wild Party.

JRB's "Christmas Lullaby"
 Dec 5 2006, 03:09:24 PM
Does anyone know any background info on how this song came to him or anything? I realize in the context of the show it's kind of left open to interpretation but if anyone knows anything about the inspiration for it that would be very helpful...I'm singing it for a friend's baby shower next week and thought a little tidbit might be nice!


re: Wedding Singer 4/8
 Apr 11 2006, 12:36:25 AM
Saw it tonight and Amy Spanger was out again. Cara Cooper did a nice job though-actually was very Amy like. But Amy has been out a lot, huh? I wonder what's up.

I must say there has been a lot of Laura Benati hating on this board for her role in this. I thought she was adorable! I like her in the blond wig too, much better than her brunette. It made her look younger and more '80s.

I also adored Felicia Finley. She has one hell of a voice on her and she's really buff!

Norbert and DRS
 Apr 9 2006, 12:53:33 AM
Finally saw Scoundrels today, and enjoyed it thoroughly. I hadn't realized just how wonderful Norbert Leo Butz was going to be. There is definitely a reason he won five awards for that performance. I think the most special thing about him is that he didn't seem to be going through the motions. He was living in every moment with so much energy and commitment. You just don't see that anymore! So many actors look so over it. I loved every moment he was onstage. I wish I'd seen John Lithgow, though
re: Cats - huh?
 Apr 8 2006, 09:20:32 PM
Excuse me, Misto.

Do not blame your opinion of a show on a non-Equity status. I have seen plenty of busted stuff on Broadway and other Equity theatres around the country. Anyone forget "In My Life?" "Dance of the Vampires"? There is terrible non-Equity theatre too-it is just a toss up.

Blaming lack of quality on the fact that it is non-Equity is a reason that there is so much division and hateful behavior amongst the arts community in New York. In Chicago, there are entire age

re: Jesus Christ Superstar--A Few Questions
 Apr 6 2006, 12:58:54 AM
I LOATHE the Glenn Carter DVD.

Herod is there purely for a little bit of comic relief from what has been a very dark story. It's a very clever song. The interpretation in the movie is pretty ridiculous though.

I don't like Pilate's Wife singing the dream-I have seen it done this way and it doesn't do much for the plot because she sings that and then doesn't do anything the rest of the show. I think it's much more effective when Pilate sings it. I agree with MrKringas about th

re: Jesus Christ as ALW's best
 Apr 6 2006, 12:52:06 AM
JCS is definitely my favorite of the ALW musicals. I do also love Evita. I do enjoy select songs of his from certain shows,but in terms of shows as a whole those are the only ones that aren't full of problems.

re: Mack and Mabel - London
 Apr 5 2006, 04:59:20 PM
Okay-I'm behind the times. I just read about this.

I'm sorry. Sweeney was innovative. Company was a carbon copy in the light of Sweeney's success. Now Mack and Mabel with the exact same concept? It's just not original anymore.

I just feel that if you are a director you need to try new things and make creative choices to suit the needs of each show. There are other ways to make a show moving and special. From what MrKringas says, it sounds like Doyle has a knack for working ou

re: All time great theater moments?
 Apr 2 2006, 03:20:10 PM

Oooh I have lots!!!

-Lily's Eyes from Secret Garden
-The opening numbers of Cabaret and Chicago
-Pretty much all of West Side Story
-The bottle dance from Fiddler!!!!!!
-The moment in Sweeney Todd where Sweeney realizes that the beggar woman is his wife.
-The overtures of Funny Girl and Gypsy
-Heart and Music from New Brain
-The opening number of Bat Boy
-Guiteau's sequence in Assassins
-*sigh* Memory from Cats
-The lyric in Assassins: "Whi

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