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Member Name: katiej411
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Six Rush or Lottery News
 Aug 19 2024, 11:08:47 AM

Has anyone rushed recently? I haven't rushed Six in a few years, I used to have to go very early to get something. Anyone know what it's been like recently?

Suffs - Rush
 Aug 19 2024, 11:05:13 AM

Has anyone rushed for Suffs? Wondering how busy it's been, I come from NJ so, it's better planning for me to have an idea. 

Titanique - Lottery/Rush
 Oct 9 2023, 04:21:59 PM

Gotcha. Has anyone rushed recently? I'm curious if anyone has gone close to show-time and gotten rush tickets? 

Titanique - Lottery
 Oct 9 2023, 12:29:44 PM

I remember entering a lottery for Titanique earlier this year. Did they get rid of it? All I see now is in-person rush, and TodayTix rush...anyone know?

Music Man Line. Updates and such.
 Jan 7 2023, 02:06:35 PM

Oh you’re right 🤦🏻‍♀️

Music Man Line. Updates and such.
 Jan 7 2023, 12:55:24 PM

I'm going to try and rush tomorrow, Sunday 1/8/23. Has anyone gone recently on a Sunday? With two show day and noon box office open I'm not sure how early I should make sure I'm there

Come From Away - Rush
 Aug 29 2022, 02:27:05 PM

Has anyone recently on a 1 show day? I've only rushed on on 2-show days, even with the closing announcement I've been fine with showing up at 10am on a Saturday. But I'm looking at this Friday...

Come From Away - Closing/Rush
 Jul 5 2022, 04:30:45 PM

I know Come From Away is closing in October- has anyone Rushed recently? I haven't rushed since March and we didn't need to be there any earlier than 9:30am. Seeing if maybe it's busier now that there's an end date.

Come From Away - Rush
 Oct 24 2021, 08:29:21 AM
Hey — is it def 11am on Sundays? That’s what the website says as well.I’m outside (8:30am no one here) and their building says 12pm. Not sure which to believe
Come From Away - Rush
 Oct 7 2021, 01:06:04 PM

Awesome thank you! I've heard crazy things about Waitress's rush line so had to check. I'm going Saturday so I think I'll be fine! Yeah- I've been avoiding the proshot so I can see it on Broadway first of course!

Come From Away - Rush
 Oct 6 2021, 11:04:50 AM

Anyone done Come From Away rush recently? I'm going 10/9 and wanted to get an idea of line. I know Waitress has been a bigger line than when I rushed it pre-COVID. Not sure if pro shot is helping or hurting CFA in-person rush.

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