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Profile for Dropscrim

Member Name: Dropscrim
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Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
 Mar 10 2023, 03:06:18 PM

PipingHotPiccolo said: "Massive Sorkin fan but wasn't wild about the idea that he was wokifying this-- by all means, lets revise and update our classics but if you start with "how do i make this woke" god help us.

So, what'd he do?


I can't be the only person who was there last night going "What the hell are these comments talking about".

There is nothing in this show that i would call "

 Oct 15 2021, 04:55:58 AM


Ripped said this:

"I've had plenty of tech experience where they let the actors go and we did notes the following day. It makes sense since you're fresh and can then apply those notes instead of being exhausted and barely listening. 

And having a tech meeting after the rehearsal makes a lot of sense because it outlines the next day. "


That's exactly how it works right now on Broadway.

 Oct 14 2021, 06:16:27 PM

HogansHero said: "RippedMan said: "I've had plenty of tech experience ..."

No offense and I don't know where your experience is/was, but Broadway is sui generis when it comes to tech (among a myriad of other things) and you are not describing a process that is logistically possible (at least not on a big show)...

Ripped literally described the tech notes process for every Broadway show I've ever worked on as a designer or as

 Oct 14 2021, 08:43:18 AM

I think a few things need to be addressed because there are a lot of people just making things up:

JSquared: "Assistant designers are covered by United Scenic Artists, and after "X" number of hours, they go into overtime."  You have no idea what you're talking about.  The USA contracts for assistants and associates are weekly (and sometimes daily).  Assistants and associates are usually at the theater at the top of call and leave at the end of the

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