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Profile for Erik3

Member Name: Erik3
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Stage Door Exits In Covid 19 World
 Jun 8 2022, 10:22:57 PM

hearthemsing22 said: "said: ""

Hey I was actually contributing to this post. You’re just provoking me and accusing me of doing something I haven’t. Whose the one wasting their time here? How about you’re Elsa :)

Please... just stop posting in this thread... The back and forth is exhausting...

Patti LuPone argues with anti-masker at Company talkback
 May 12 2022, 10:26:42 PM

joevitus said: "Erik3 said: "joevitus said: "GiantsInTheSky2 said: "I love it. TodayTix has a line of merch that either has the full extended quote, or “Chris Harper pays my salary”. I also love that he’s coming out with a statement supporting her."

And thus the welcomed revival that warmed people's hearts at the moment they lost Sondheim becomes the hostile production that is going out of its way to alienate audie

Patti LuPone argues with anti-masker at Company talkback
 May 12 2022, 09:42:50 PM

joevitus said: "GiantsInTheSky2 said: "I love it. TodayTix has a line of merch that either has the full extended quote, or “Chris Harper pays my salary”. I also love that he’s coming out with a statement supporting her."

And thus the welcomed revival that warmed people's hearts at the moment they lost Sondheim becomes the hostile production that is going out of its way to alienate audiences (no matter that the actors gathered for th

FUNNY GIRL on Broadway - News & Discussion Thread
 May 3 2022, 07:06:14 PM

I have no stake in the Beanie fight and am certainly no vocal expert - I found her perfectly charming and felt she held her own in a role with impossible shoes to fill. Though I would have liked to see Ramin, I thought Jeremiah James did a great job as Nick - in what was apparently his Broadway debut, no less! All in all, a very enjoyable evening, and I would consider seeing it again. 

For those evaluating ticketing options, we saw in the front row to the right - the two seats clo

A STRANGE LOOP On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread
 May 3 2022, 07:01:44 PM

Knew very little about the show before going in. Was really moved - what a strong cast and a sucker punch of a script. 

Sadly, there are definitely still sound issues. We sat third row and frequently had trouble catching lyrics during the faster-paced and more heavily orchestrated numbers - which is a huge pity, because they are extremely clever, as I later discovered after listening to the off-broadway cast recording. 

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 5/1/22
 May 3 2022, 06:54:31 PM

Echoing everyone else, seems to be a lot of factors coalescing at once...

  • Spring break just ended. I flew in Thursday morning and left Monday evening. The airports were, anecdotally, pretty empty.
  • There are dozens of shows right now and not enough tourists and locals to fill them. Blame COVID, blame crime, blame travel prices - I'd blame all three. People who aren't happy about masks won't go. People who aren't vaccinated (mostly) couldn't go until Sunda
BEETLEJUICE Will Re-Open In Spring 2022
 Apr 18 2022, 06:13:53 PM

TNick926 said: "Erik3 said: "Are they really planning on not offering any discounts? It seems aggressively priced, and they've barely sold a third of the house for dates past this coming week... Was hoping to catch this at the end of the month, but not sure I can justify the prices (higher than Funny Girl!)"

Good ticket prices on

Maybe I'm missing something, but TodayTix's prices seem to be identical to those on

BEETLEJUICE Will Re-Open In Spring 2022
 Apr 17 2022, 01:28:15 PM

ACL2006 said: "Erik3 said: "Are they really planning on not offering any discounts? It seems aggressively priced, and they've barely sold a third of the house for dates past this coming week... Was hoping to catch this at the end of the month, but not sure I can justify the prices (higher than Funny Girl!)"

Time will tell, but they've been sold out or almost 100% sold since they reopened.

Definitely looks that way the past few d

BEETLEJUICE Will Re-Open In Spring 2022
 Apr 16 2022, 06:12:26 PM

Are they really planning on not offering any discounts? It seems aggressively priced, and they've barely sold a third of the house for dates past this coming week... Was hoping to catch this at the end of the month, but not sure I can justify the prices (higher than Funny Girl!) 

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