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Member Name: poppy isabella
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re: Les Miserables Symphonic Recording Question
 Aug 4 2006, 11:58:30 PM
The pimp's name is Bamatabois.
re: Question about Charlie Brown Cast recording
 Mar 6 2006, 08:37:36 PM
And we know that many of these performers are truly capable of professional and beautiful singing (Anthony Rapp, Kristin Chenoweth, and others) which, in a way, makes their kid-voices even more entertaining!
re: Question about Charlie Brown Cast recording
 Mar 6 2006, 08:16:28 PM
Yeah, I find it fun, too. Sure, it's not amazingly beautiful vocals for many of the characters, but that's not the point, so it works. It's also a good resource for some cute kid-friendly songs.
re: Do you wish IBDB was like IMDB?
 Jan 26 2006, 09:52:31 PM
Are they maintained by the same entity?
re: BroadwayGirl107 on the RENT film. (With spoilers)
 Nov 13 2005, 08:49:23 PM
wow, thorough. Whether people agree or not with your viewpoints on the film, I was really excited to read this post from you. So thanks!!
re: HS edition of Les miserables
 Sep 19 2005, 10:44:21 PM
I was MD for a community production of this School Edition. We did it with all ages (ie adults in adult roles, teenagers in younger roles, little Cosette was 7, etc.). We had permission from MTI because it was part of a community academy, an educational environment. Anyway, I thought our show was great! And I'm usually pretty judgemental about the shows I'm involved in. In all the research I did in preparation for rehearsals, the main differences I noticed were, like PB Ent. said, that vers
re: HS edition of Les miserables
 Sep 19 2005, 07:57:59 PM
I thought the original authors/composers were included in the revision process? This makes a huge difference to me. It sounds like some of what I read in this thread is saying MTI shouldn't have revised it.
re: Honest opinion about Sweeney Todd
 Jul 29 2005, 02:40:20 PM
Thanks, jam_man. I knew I was getting it wrong! A Musical Thriller. What a great description. I love how Sweeney Todd breaks the preconceptions many people have of musicals being just all light and happy and perky!
re: Honest opinion about Sweeney Todd
 Jul 29 2005, 01:58:05 PM
Sweeney Todd is one of my favorites too! It is described as a "horror musical" or something like that, sorry I can't remember the exact words, but it's totally funny too.

Here's a hilarious link to an article that's grand finale is about a kid's reaction to Sweeney on TV If you grew up in the 80's or early 90's you'll totally relate!

re: Actors Chewing Gum...ON STAGE!
 Jul 29 2005, 01:48:48 PM
Oh my gosh, jczelyph! Of all the things I've had fall on me in the pit, never gum! Ick and hilarity!

love meagan

re: Actors Chewing Gum...ON STAGE!
 Jul 29 2005, 01:28:03 PM
Yeah, I've worked with lots of actors who chew gum while performing to keep their mouth from drying out due to medicines, nerves, whatever. But I've never actually seen it while in the midst of a scene. I agree with the previous poster that it totally could have been a character choice for Avenue Q
re: Hot or cold? Milk or no?
 Jul 28 2005, 10:35:41 PM
...dairy never ...extra cold and extra hot never temperature water is perfect and drink it slow to always get the best hydration. For hot drinks, a kind of mildness is the idea too, not too hot. That throat coat tea someone mentioned is awesome, if dranken lukewarm. However, I think it tastes kind of weird, sort of licorice-y, but it's worked well for me and I have lots of students who drink it before almost every show.

Also, someone mentioned cherries and grapes. Oddly e

re: My First Musical . . .sort of
 Jul 28 2005, 02:15:17 PM
another thought...

Also, I have a comment on what someone said earlier about listening to the recording... If you are learning a piece "by ear" I would strongly recommend asking your musical director first what version of the show she/he would like you to listen to, if even at all. Sometimes, *gasp*, cast recordings can be rotten and/or dangerous styles of singing that your director would not like you to emulate.

love meagan

re: My First Musical . . .sort of
 Jul 28 2005, 12:51:07 PM
Diva007--I'm so glad you're asking this!

I'm a musical director and I know that it is just a major part of the job working in most theatres that some of the actors won't read music. What's frustrating to me is when those actors don't even attempt to look at the actual music. Like, they just say "These notes mean nothing to me, it's another language, I'll just listen to everyone else and copy them."

Besides the priceless suggestions already posted here like bringing a tape

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