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Member Name: Emcee4ever
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 May 18 2023, 10:35:58 PM

I found both versions of the book for the musical (the script and lyrics), as well as Julie Taymor's original treatment, entitled Spider-Man: Caught.

The * ideal * Jekyll & Hyde: A discussion
 Nov 5 2016, 06:56:38 PM

Funny story about Jekyll & Hyde--I got both of my parents to listen to the '94 cast recordings, completely separate from each other, and when Jekyll said "Am I a good man?" during Confrontation my mom said "No" and my dad shook his head, and when he went "Am I a madman?" my mom said "Yes" and my dad nodded his head.

I also saw Jekyll & Hyde locally twice in the past few weeks! It had Bring on the Men and I Need to Know as well as Lost

Songs to sing night of election
 Nov 5 2016, 05:33:24 PM

In a weird way listening to those songs (plus others) has helped me freak out LESS about the elections because it's like someone already put my thoughts into words, with a catchy tune to boot!

Songs to sing night of election
 Nov 5 2016, 05:10:44 PM

A: I dunno

B: "The World Has Gone Insane" from Jekyll and Hyde
"Once Upon A Dream (reprise)," Jekyll and Hyde 1994 concept album
"Good 'n' Evil" from Jekyll and Hyde
"Tomorrow Belongs to Me," Cabaret

The * ideal * Jekyll & Hyde: A discussion
 Nov 5 2016, 04:57:33 PM

The '94 version and the Broadway one had Jekyll want to go to the pub because he was tired of respectability and frustrated at the Board blocking his request. There's also the song "Reflections" which directly paraphrases the book, as he contemplates his dual natures and notes that he and Hyde share memory, he has a vested interest in his other self while Hyde treats him with indifference, and even though Hyde's a murderer and he's slowly losing hold of the self that

The * ideal * Jekyll & Hyde: A discussion
 Nov 5 2016, 06:55:56 AM

According to this originally Hyde met Utterson and transformed back into Jekyll after Lucy's murder, and Jekyll told him to run and find the letter he gave her before the police did. (I think afterwards Simon stole the letter and planted it for Lisa to find.)

I also found someone who put EVERYTHING from every version of the show into one four-act 5-hour monstrosity. Along with original lyrics/dialogue.

Best improvisation moments
 Nov 3 2016, 12:47:13 AM

I read about a production of Macbeth where a weapon broke during every single performance in the 4-week run, but one instance was spectacular.

"During this particular performance, we had gotten to the Macbeth vs MacDuff fight without a weapon breakage thus far, and everyone was holding their breath to see if we'd get through the performance weapons intact. On the third blow of the fight, Macbeth's sword shattered. The sword blade flew backwards and embedded itself in the proscenium, the pommel dropped to the stage, and the quillons flew upstage, striking the cyclotron, leaving the actor standing there in front of God, the audience, and MacDuff holding the grip of the sword and with a full four-minute swordfight to perform. The actors improvised a brilliant grappling fight, ending with MacDuff standing over the prostate and pummeled Macbeth with his sword raised to decapitate the unfortunate Scot. The alert light crew went to a full blackout just as the sword came down, and the scene ended with a dull "thunk" in the darkness as the sword hit the stage. The crowd, as well as the crew and cast backstage, went berserk with applause. When asked later what he would have done if the blackout hadn't happened, the actor playing MacDuff replied, "Well, I probably would have decapitated him. It's OK - he a method actor anyway."

Best improvisation moments
 Oct 26 2016, 12:02:43 AM

I saw a production of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde where the gun Hyde pulled on Enfield broke. He fiddled with it for a few seconds before ad-libbing "Must've been made in China!" and tossed it aside. it got the biggest laugh of the night.

Best improvisation moments
 Oct 24 2016, 11:22:36 PM

What were the best improv moments you've seen/been part of when something unexpected happened or went wrong during a show?

The * ideal * Jekyll & Hyde: A discussion
 Sep 25 2016, 06:06:09 PM

I found a really scary two-person Confrontation where Hyde takes a knife to himself/Jekyll. I think.

And a Confrontation performed at a drama banquet that ends with Jekyll picking up a chair and smashing a mirror XD It was dramatic when i saw the whole video but when i paused it i cracked up laughing. It's really good, though!

This one is also neat, it uses prerecorded lines as a projection AND flipping back and forth live to switch between Jekyll and Hyde.

EDIT:  I just found another really good Confrontation that's one guy but they sound like 2 different people!

The * ideal * Jekyll & Hyde: A discussion
 Sep 14 2016, 08:45:46 PM

Can we discuss other versions of the story onstage? The Noah Smith one is really fun; Hyde gets some really nice one-liners and the ending has him trying to inject Utterson with the same stuff that made him. You can read most of it here; the only part it doesn't have is the ending.

There's some productions floating around on YouTube, too. This one's the whole thing. it uses instrumental music from the musical at certain points, as well as music from other sources. it has a really good supporting cast.

This one is in two parts and has a scene or two missing from part 1 to part 2, but they have a FANTASTIC Jekyll and Hyde.

Part 1:

Part 2:

The Jeffrey Hatcher one is neat as well. It has multiple actors playing different aspects of Hyde.

And finally, here's a scene from the original play, taken wholesale from the book. I think.

The * ideal * Jekyll & Hyde: A discussion
 Sep 3 2016, 04:49:46 AM

Kinda off-topic, but I wrote a Jekyll and Hyde fanfiction! It's based on the musical for the most part but I snuck in as many book/play references as I could. It's about Lisa/Emma after the wedding. I realized after the fact that her whole situation SUCKED, got to wondering what she'd do afterwards, and then the only logical solution came to me.

The * ideal * Jekyll & Hyde: A discussion
 Aug 29 2016, 05:56:01 PM

I found a full show that uses the "Complete Gothic Thriller" format.

And a full high school show...

And a full taping of the 1997 Broadway version.

And a high school version that had Hyde and Jekyll as two people and also staged Confrontation as a fight. They also kept "Girls of the Night."

There's also an amazing 4-part series of videos that were posted 3 days ago. They have a REALLY scary Hyde! Part 1 is here and the rest are in the sidebar.

And here's a 2-part series of another school show. The best part is in Act II when Utterson confronts Hyde and he's tearing pages out of Jekyll's notebook,  crumpling them, and making paper airplanes and origami XD

Act I:

Act II:

Man, after seeing all these amazing versions and variations I wonder what a production near me in October will be like! When I see it I'll let you guys know what it was like! :)

The * ideal * Jekyll & Hyde: A discussion
 Aug 26 2016, 05:03:33 PM

I just found a really good college version of Murder, Murder! Sadly, this was the only video of the production they uploaded.

And a different school production has a really funny Simon Stride in the Board of Governors.

EDIT: Found a really good Confrontation from a live show that had a variety of songs from musicals! He does the same kinda thing that the guy in this school production did in making every switch painful.

The * ideal * Jekyll & Hyde: A discussion
 Aug 19 2016, 08:17:06 AM

I love how Reflections is paraphrased directly from the book.

Jekyll's version of "Once Upon a Dream" is really, really good too. I like how the 2012 version placed it at the wedding, just before he stabs himself.

The * ideal * Jekyll & Hyde: A discussion
 Aug 14 2016, 03:24:08 AM

Found a production that leans closer to the Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll movie, portraying Jekyll as older and sickly and Hyde as young and lustful...

Their version of "Alive" is also notable because it has Hyde actually stealing his hat and cane from someone XD

And an amazing Hyde from a school production (I think) who mixes humor and childishness with horror.

He really gets into the physical part of acting, too!

His Confrontation keeps it up, with every switch being painful instead of just the major ones.

Also, as divisive as the 2012 revival was, their Wedding scene is amazing. It goes for the wedding reception/dance route, then adds in Jekyll's reprise of Once Upon A Dream just before he stabs himself.

This version of Alive is also neat because it has a brief fight scene. I've seen others that do that at different spots.

This one has Hyde be with Lucy for the last half of the song. I SWEAR I've seen another that does that but also keeps the heartbeats from the concept album version but i can't find it off the top of my head.

The * ideal * Jekyll & Hyde: A discussion
 Aug 4 2016, 06:40:29 PM

What versions of the show can be licensed? I know a lot of productions have added back the songs and lore that was cut or altered from the initial Broadway run, making it closer to the 1994/1995 version, but I don't know if they use a pre-BW version or a combination of that and the later script.

Your guilty pleasure lyrics
 Aug 4 2016, 04:56:47 PM

Are there any lyrics in musicals that you know are kinda silly but like anyway?

I always get a chuckle out of a line in "Murder, Murder" from Jekyll & Hyde: "Read about the worst two murders--Much worse than the first two murders!" I think it's supposed to be funny in a satirical way but I haven't heard many people laughing at it XD;

The * ideal * Jekyll & Hyde: A discussion
 Aug 4 2016, 12:46:22 AM

I found some neat off-Broadway versions of stuff, student versions, and pre=Broadway stuff including a version of "Alive" from the 1986 demo!

What to do when your high school production has Jekyll and Hyde played by 2 people? Stage Confrontation as a physical/mental fight!

I also found an awesome college version of Confrontation!

AND the original 1986 demo of Alive with different lyrics.

AND a pre-Broadway video of the complete 1995 show! It has Hyde's vocals in Confrontation as a backing track.

Then I found a more recent off-Broadway Confrontation that has Hyde briefly take over in the "Lost in the Darkness" reprise. It's the best take I've seen of that version yet!

I also found a high-budget high school production that changed the ending after Confrontation to have a reprise of Facade, leading into Jekyll killing himself presumably just after getting married. Both comments like it a lot more than the other endings XD

Their Board of Governors is really good too! They made Simon Stride and Herbert/Teddy Savage girls. That school is gonna do Les Miserables next year!

Also, Anthony Warlow, the person who played Jekyll/Hyde on the 1994 Concept Album but never onstage, is finally going to get to do the role live for the 25th anniversary Broadway show this year assuming it goes as planned!

Which cast recording are you currently listening to on repeat?
 Jul 29 2016, 03:36:56 PM

Cabaret 1966, 1872, and 1998, Wicked, and the Jekyll and Hyde 1994 Concept album.

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