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Member Name: AnnJohnson
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Stereophonic Smoking Herbal
 Aug 1 2024, 04:55:11 PM

jagman106 said: "I'm also hyper-sensitive to the smell of smoke, and I didn't notice anything in Row M of the Orchestra.
I also smoked for a long time and could not quit. Then I gathered my thoughts because it was already difficult to breathe and quit. I also recently read about organic mullein drops, these are mullein drops that cleanse the lungs. I think I'll try them, because I still feel like my lungs are in smoke. It would be better if I never smoked at all.

I can't be around people who smoke. It's impossible to breathe.

Tony Student Rush
 Jun 24 2023, 01:11:40 PM

Crashdowngurl693 said: "There are still a good amount of tickets remaining for the Tony’s. Anyone got an insight into whether they think they will offer student rush this year? The regular prices are okay for what you are getting the Ticketmaster fees of over $100 are what makes them unaffordable."

I would like to know if anyone has any information about whether they are planning to have a student fever this year? Regular ticket prices are acceptable, but Ticketmaster fees in excess of $100 put them out of reach for many students. I skipped school on purpose and worked to buy a ticket. He even asked me to do my essay for me, I used for this. I would like to find a way to make the event more accessible and enjoyable for all students to enjoy this unique experience. Because right now it's very hard to do.

5 MORE Books Every Acting Student Should Read
 May 12 2023, 11:02:15 AM

The Empty Space by Peter Brook is a very good book. I finished it some time ago and really liked it. And the next one on my list is Audition by Michael Shurtleff. I've heard positive reviews of it

Help a college student get a degree by filling out a quick survey about Broadway and audiobooks
 Feb 16 2023, 04:13:12 AM

DroughtofApathy said: "Thanks for helping out. Right now this is all hypothetical for a capstone project, but I would love to see this become something viable in the future."

I think that it might be so. Audiobooks are quite popular nowadays, so listening to Broadway plays may also be popular. But yes, it requires some research first of all. And it's cool that you have such interesting projects at school. I also have a lot of practical tasks, but nothing has been connected to the theater yet, but next semester I'll visit theater lessons, and I'm sure we will have something interesting. And for now, I have to write many papers on different issues. The last one was about whether college should be free or not. I've found so much interesting info online on that topic, and here I even managed to read an example, which actually was very helpful. I've not finished my writing, but I think that making education free is not the best idea. And, of course, I'll give all the arguments. And maybe, even create a questionnaire.

Good luck with the project!

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