GYPSY Previews - most important question Nov 26
2024, 02:25:37 PM
May I thank you for such a balanced view? I look forward to seeing this GYPSY on Dec 13 just before it opens, and having pored over all the previous comments here, I have decided that while this version may not replicate others, it will be thrilling. Can’t wait to hear Ms. McDonald sing this iconic score.
Theater Book Recommendations Jan 19
2024, 07:48:44 AM
Laurapattifan said: "I am looking for some recommendations. I have Not Since Carrie, Everything Was Possible, and The Untold Stories of Broadway series. "
May I humbly suggest my own book, “One More Seat at the Round Table: A Novel of Broadway's Camelot”? It is fiction but I interviewed several people who were there and attempted to replicate the real travails of this golden-age classic from rehearsals to out of town tryouts in Toronto and Boston to i
Stephanie J. Block in Kiss Me, Kate – London Jan 19
2024, 07:19:26 AM
Thanks so much!
Stephanie J. Block in Kiss Me, Kate – London Jan 18
2024, 07:44:18 PM
I’ve heard Stephanie J. Block in WICKED, FALSETTOS, and SUNSET BOULEVARD. She is an amazing soprano with a fine range and will do a great job as Lili in KISS ME KATE. I’m worried about her British co-star who is not known as a singer.
Lindsay Mendez in Merrily We Roll Along Dec 10
2023, 12:35:35 PM
Lindsay Mendez was out of the matinee yesterday, Saturday, December 9. Luckily I saw her in a preview in September and loved her performance. But I thought Jamila Sabares-Klemm, her understudy, did an excellent job. So the role of Mary Flynn is in good hands, impervious to Covid, flu, etc.
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 8/20/23 Aug 22
2023, 02:35:55 PM
Re Kimberly, I think Victoria Clark was on vacation this last week. It’s one of the best shows I’ve ever seen and I hope it doesn’t close.
The Museum of Broadway Jul 11
2023, 07:36:30 AM
My husband and I toured it not long ago. We are lifelong theater aficionados and found it wonderful. We spent two hours there. The elevators are useful. Just ask as you enter. Enjoy! Forget some of the negative comments here and judge for yourself.
Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway Apr 11
2023, 06:55:00 PM
Will someone please confirm after or during the show tonight that Jordan Donica has indeed returned?
Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway Mar 14
2023, 03:54:38 PM
I saw Ms. Soo in Guys and Dolls at the Kennedy Center and thought she was stunning. Her singing was gorgeous and I liked her acting. Having seen her rehearsal clips in Camelot, I have high hopes. The cast has a month of previews in which to refine their interpretations and much can change during this period. But I think Ms. Soo has the gifts she needs to be an ideal Guenevere.
Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway Mar 10
2023, 10:27:06 PM
Thanks for all the detailed insights into Sorkin’s approach to the main trio and their dilemmas. The production sounds modern and hard-hitting. I look forward to seeing it after all the tweaks have been made during previews.
Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway Mar 10
2023, 03:38:46 PM
So did Sorkin change the relationships as we knew them in the 1960 version? He said he was going to create a triangle for the current era. I had no Idea what he meant.
Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway Mar 10
2023, 12:07:55 AM
Thanks for all your vivid first-preview reports. I’m dying to see it! Loved the Insta clips too.
Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway Mar 9
2023, 07:04:16 PM
Yes, everyone going tonight, have a blast! But please report back when you have time so we know how Aaron Sorkin has changed the book. Is it an improvement? Did he use Lerner’s noble speeches for Arthur? What did he mean when he spoke of giving us a “triangle” for our present era? Thanks for weighing in. But feel free to mark your posts as “spoilers” in case others here prefer not to know the changes.