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Profile for BobbyChild2

Member Name: BobbyChild2
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 May 16 2023, 11:44:59 PM

I have seen lines everyday for SLIH in the mornings before opening... although sometimes not more than like 8 people at opening.

When I got my ticket at box office opening, it was front orch. So, although I think they sell rush later in the day, you don't get seats as good as the morning crew. Also, there's a nice lady who has seen the show like 50 times and she still waits in the morning.

Hope this helps!

Rush/SRO Ticket Resources
 May 16 2023, 09:31:30 PM

Wow. That's a great site. Seems pretty up-to-date. How long has that been around?

I've also heard about a new app that's just getting started - LineWise. Have you tried that?

Rush/SRO Ticket Resources
 May 16 2023, 02:46:36 AM

Hello, all! Now that the rush scene seems to be back in full swing, I'm on the hunt for the best resources. My former go-tos may not be useful anymore... Playbill seems outdated, broadwayforbrokepeople isn't going anymore, and now a few friends told me to check this out. However, when I search the chats, it doesn't turn up much. Any wisdom out there?! Do we need to make something just for us?!? lol

 May 16 2023, 02:38:36 AM

Did you try this new app for the rush lines? Some friends have found it helpful. I was told this chat was good, too, but it seems hit or miss. Any other resources that anyone uses?

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