Starting the rush tickets thread! Day-of seats are only $30 from the box office.
Has anyone done rush seats yet? When did you line up? Where were your tickets?
Other threads have said most of these seats are partial view orchestra.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/20
Voter said: "Doing rush on May 9"
Did you end up doing it? How did it go for you?
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Pretty belated, but if you're looking for another data point, my friend went on April 30 (a Sunday two-show day when it was pouring rain) and got there around 11:30 to find 15-20 people ahead of her. She got front row on the side for the evening show which was partial view, though she said she could pretty much see everything still, just at a steep angle
We rushed yesterday, single show Sunday, Mother’s Day mat. My husband was first at 10:30ish for a noon open. We got front row center, on the aisle. Great seats.
suicidalmickeymouse said: "We rushed yesterday, single show Sunday, Mother’s Day mat. My husband was first at 10:30ish for a noon open. We got front row center, on the aisle. Great seats."
Do you know how many people were behind him when the box office opened?
Swing Joined: 5/13/23
Did you try this new app for the rush lines? Some friends have found it helpful. I was told this chat was good, too, but it seems hit or miss. Any other resources that anyone uses?
Rushed today - very easy. Arrived at 9:45am for 2pm Sat matinee, was 14th in line. Everyone who came got tickets.
They were $30, and all rush seats are "partial view" - but we go Orchestra row A seats 2 and 4. They were not at all partial view - we saw 98% of the show. (Without spoiling, there was one song where a surprise set piece blocked our view of the singer, but that was only for 2 1/2 mins out of the 3 hour show.)
Easy one to rush, even on weekends.
Chorus Member Joined: 6/18/14
Hope i'm not double posting, i am sure i did this already...
Got rush tix today at 1pm, no line, row E 10 & 20, so ALLLLL the way house right, but at least it's not the balcony, never again in the St James balcony!
Chorus Member Joined: 9/30/18
What is the name of this app for rush lines? Thanks
BobbyChild2 said: "Did you try this new app for the rush lines? Some friends have found it helpful. I was told this chat was good, too, but it seems hit or miss. Any other resources that anyone uses?"
Chorus Member Joined: 9/30/18
How's the lines been these days with summer upon us?