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Member Name: Jerry2
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re: Liza Minnelli Fan Message Board
 Jun 14 2006, 05:42:15 PM
She has now
Those are her official sites
there are also

 Feb 6 2006, 03:28:18 PM
Well,each of us have our own Liza agenda.
It's true that fomer fans are worse than any critics.
No one forgives disappointment? How dares she still to perform after she had passed her prime,why not to die or to hide far away in order to let her old fans to cherish their memoires...
Slightly selfish point of view for my taste.
I can't understand why someone thinks that after 1984 Liza didn't try anything 1987 was "Carnegy Hall" brilliant show,then "Results" great fun and co

 Feb 5 2006, 01:51:57 PM
What does it mean the truth when you talk about big artists private live?
In many cases facts and truth most of the time are contradicting each other.
Are people watching "Cabaret" or "Judy's shows" need to know that Liza wanted a hot dog on the way to rehab or drunk Judy ran after her son with a knife.Does it helps to open the artistic personality? or just helps to satisfy empty curiosity of people who don't know any better than to follow someones else private life.
Does Liza owe us

re: Liza Sighting
 Feb 4 2006, 01:16:59 PM
Did she look allright? The comments on her Tony Danza appearance weren't very flatering.I hope "Inside of the Actors studio" will make up for all bad stuff...
re: Anyone seen Liza lately?
 Jan 13 2006, 12:59:10 PM
Wow, you met Liza!
Did she say something about her future plans?
I hope they will fix first act of the concert,if the young guy isn't good enough,he should go.By the way there are pictures of him with Liza on from 2001.Maybe Liza has a soft spot for him,who knows...
How does she looks and sounds?

re: Anyone seen Liza lately?
 Jan 12 2006, 02:43:04 PM
Aznavour's songs?
She sings them at her concerts anyway.
I know,that Liza is going to record an album of Kay Thompson's songs ( arangements) in april, so probably new concert program will follow. Maybe she will present it in "Dizzy" club in ny, it's rumor I heard.I am sure that if program will be successful it will go to concert halls or broadway.Clubs are fine,but Liza never was a club's kind of singer and I don't know how she can fit small stage.Also she is at the age when if she goes

re: Anyone seen Liza lately?
 Jan 12 2006, 02:09:19 PM
Wow,what else Lorna said?
Strange,that Liza will choose such small room for her concert,
untill she can't fill bigger halls and she still can.She is not Stritch kind of artist to start with.I don't know if people will buy her in small cabaret jazz show.Lorna Luft is another case,she had never made it really big.I know great voice and all,but people don't interested in her anyway.
Well we will see,if it's true (about Liza) or not.

Poll: Broadway's Musical Theatre Legends
 Aug 21 2005, 01:39:16 AM
In someway ,yes.Actors the only type of artists which getting their full recognition during their life time and if a great ones aren't known enough to be a major star atraction for all kind of audiences (not only theater lovers)-I doubt that they will end up being called "Legends" in twenty years...Sure for all rules there are few exceptions and Of course Chita counts as a legend,but it took her many years to get her own "KOTSW" star show...At the same time Liza did very few broadway shows,but
Poll: Broadway's Musical Theatre Legends
 Aug 20 2005, 06:21:41 PM
Really? so how many actors that you want to count as "broadway legends" are known to wide public? I am not talking about "American Idol" audience but nevertheless...
Can some even very talented actors with great career count as legend if he or she is known only to narrow circle of theater fans and critics? Great actors,maybe, but legends?
I think status of being "legend" considers wide recognition of your work,plus the rare star quality that helps to turn even a flop show into memorable

Poll: Broadway's Musical Theatre Legends
 Aug 20 2005, 03:10:40 PM
Yes,but who will remember ms Sommers show in a several months let alone years.On the other hand stupid "Act" or flop "Flora"
are still well known in the not so small circle of theater lovers.Great performances plus right career managment create legends.You can forty years work in the theater playing eight time a week year after year,be a great actor,get a great reviews
and nobody will remember your name the moment you got of stage.
But try to imagin "Funny girl" without Streisand or

Poll: Broadway's Musical Theatre Legends
 Aug 20 2005, 02:11:54 PM
It all true,but broadway legends like Chita, Merman or Gwen didn't made it anywhere else except broadway.They were too original for hollywood and weren't popular enough to sell millions of records or give 200 concerts a year like Liza or Streisand.Broadway was the only field where they could shine.
Others like Bette,Babs or Liza had much more choices-movies,t.v specials,records...They can still return to broadway any time (well Liza probably will have big insurance problems)and choose projec

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