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LEMPICKA Reviews May 19
2024, 10:42:27 PM
jagman106 said: "binau said: "Can't wait to hear what the closing was like today."
On another theater website, the producers are lamenting that 8 weeks of performances is not enough time to build word of mouth. Actually, there has been plenty of WOM, and for the most part, it wasn't very good. I imagine they'll be playing the victim today, complaining that no one gave them a chance, reviews were unfair, people don't want new or original m
LEMPICKA closing May 19 May 14
2024, 11:59:16 PM
Miserent said: "Is Eden still having bad pitch issues? I’m debating seeing it one more time, but if she’s still super pitchy most of the time, I dont think I wanna do it."
I saw her recently and I thought she was a joy to listen to. I've heard others say same.
The Historians, the Rape Apologists, and the Bolsheviks: The most absurd lines from Lempicka "critics" May 14
2024, 03:24:59 PM
In regards to Suffs - their message is "women should vote", which is an easy message to get behind. Lempicka, on the otherhand, portrays the type of woman that still makes a lot of people angry. She's a power woman, but she cheats on her husband, she's not a great mother, she puts her work above all else. While men do this, we largely do not accept the same from women.
The show has no male heros. It barely passes a reverse bechdel test. The women kiss each other
LEMPICKA closing May 19 May 14
2024, 03:13:47 PM
Charley Kringas Inc said: "The fact that they didn't release Don't Bet Your Heart ASAP is insane to me, that song gave me goosebumps from from the first note to the last."
And it is also brilliant foreshadowing. Amber Imam is the best thing in that show. I like the song "Woman Is" but it doesn't even rank among my favorite songs. That score is underrated.
The Historians, the Rape Apologists, and the Bolsheviks: The most absurd lines from Lempicka "critics" May 14
2024, 02:37:20 PM
dramamama611 said: "Honestly? If the show worked better I don't think the need to showit inaccurate would have been a thing. Their inaccuracies isn't what caused the show to fail - but it's a talking point.
Now go back to your front row rush seats and annoy the rest of the auditnece with your behavior."
I had a feeling someone was going to make that claim. While I am certainly a theater fan and a fan of the show,
The Historians, the Rape Apologists, and the Bolsheviks: The most absurd lines from Lempicka May 14
2024, 02:33:38 PM
hearthemsing22 said: "Didn't read all of that nor will I, but what exactly do you expect them to do now?"
Nothing. That's why the first line of the post is "The show is closing, and nothing can be done"
I don't know if there is a way to hold reviewers accountable for writing critiques around things that literally do not exist in the show, but I wish they had to answer for that.
And I'm shocked that the c
The Historians, the Rape Apologists, and the Bolsheviks: The most absurd lines from Lempicka "critics" May 14
2024, 01:48:59 PM
I have no way of proving this to you, but I am not involved in the production. I don't work in theater or art at all.
The Historians, the Rape Apologists, and the Bolsheviks: The most absurd lines from Lempicka critics May 14
2024, 12:52:47 PM
The show is closing and there is nothing that can be done. And I am not making the claim that all of the critical reviews were off the mark. However, some of these were unacceptable and I think we should have higher expectations.
To give a quick synopsis, the Bolsheviks arrested her husband, and she had to sleep with the guards to get him out of jail (implied, tamely, offstage). Then they
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