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Bonnie & Clyde deserves better
 Dec 12 2011, 10:08:46 AM
OK... not everyone who's knocked the show is amongst those who have not seen it, however several people on this forum HAVE admitted that they've NOT seen it, yet still feel compelled to drone on ad nauseum about what crap they think it is and frequently couple that chatter with personal attacks against people who's opinions do not coincide with their own. What a curiously odd compulsion.

It is truly interesting to me that if someone did not like a show (any show...I'm not just talking a

New Poll: Do You Think the Critics Gave BONNIE & CLYDE a Fair Shot?
 Dec 11 2011, 11:40:12 AM
@ NYTheatre01: As you have gathered, some folks on this board have repeatedly expressed some very strong negative opinions about the show without ever actually having seen it.

I wouldn't let it bother you too much...they just have a need to feel important and they obviously have no other legitimate way of satisfying that need. Frankly, I find them to be pitifully amusing!

I would say that the best bet for anyone having an interest in reading an informed, possibly intellige

BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
 Dec 11 2011, 09:41:35 AM
Dear HappyPhantom, Thank you kindly for so accurately illustrating my point and also, for providing a perfect and fresh example of the type of situation where rather than simply disagreeing with someone's viewpoint on an issue, a person will seek to discredit someone else's viewpoint by attacking them, rather than debating the issue being discussed. It's actually rather amusing...

Have a great day!

BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
 Dec 11 2011, 12:36:47 AM
Sam, Don't let this stuff get you too upset... If you take the time to go back through the "archives of this site (I've been a "lurker" here for quite a long while") you'll surely notice that there are a certain number of folks that are "repeat offenders"...folks that seem to display varying degrees of psychological pathology as indicated by the tone and vehemence of their writing as well as personally attacking those with whom they disagree ( Rather than debating the merits or lack thereof of t
BONNIE AND CLYDE only selling tickets until Dec. 30...
 Dec 10 2011, 11:59:39 PM
Phantom: You already admitted in another thread on this web site that YOU HAVE NOT SEEN Bonnie & Clyde on stage .... and yet you feel compelled to incessantly drone on & on about what crap you think the show is ...

Why do you feel it necessary to speak so often and in such strong term about something which you have NO first hand knowledge??

Actually, it's pretty damn amusing to see someone put that much energy into saying: Look folks, I really have absolutely no idea what

New Poll: Do You Think the Critics Gave BONNIE & CLYDE a Fair Shot?
 Dec 10 2011, 11:42:37 AM
BTW... Not just in terms of this show, but,really...across the board, I find it somewhat disturbing that when certain people dislike a show, that they will often feel compelled to attack it (as well as any person that might disagree with them) with "bitchy", snippy comments that, frankly, sound like they're being screeched out by some bitter old queen who's just been ditched. It may make you feel clever, or feel like you've really gotten a "zinger" in... but it truth, it ultimately reduces the w
New Poll: Do You Think the Critics Gave BONNIE & CLYDE a Fair Shot?
 Dec 10 2011, 11:22:37 AM
Phantom... your post: "Everything they've said sounds dead on to what I've seen of the show" seems a bit ambiguous as to whether you've actually seen the show or not. If not, simply saying: "Well, I've seen other Wildhorn shows and didn't care for them, so this one would certainly be something that I don't like either" would seem to be an opinion that is extremely limited in it's validity .

Have you actually attended a performance of this production ofBonnie & Clyde, or are you relying

 Dec 2 2011, 06:10:08 PM
Your comment " But honestly, when you have the odds and history against you (as Wildhorn does) then you have to basically write God's gift to musical theatre..."does an excellent job of illustrating my point, Bobby. A really objective review would be to critique the show on it's own merits (or lack thereof) alone. But it sounds to me like you're saying "Well, if someone else had written this show it might or might not be OK, but since Frank wrote it, we have to subtract 6 Brownie points.

 Dec 2 2011, 05:12:08 PM
Bottom line here: If you truly feel (as I do) that this show has been excessively trashed by reviewers that went in with a strong anti-Wildhorn bias AND that it deserves to be seen, then, use YOUR power to counter the critics with email, Facebook, smoke-signals ...whatever. If you love the show, then use YOUR power to spread the word.

Oddly, some of the folks that did not like the show ( and in some cases didn't seem to like it even before they'd seen it) seem to use a lot of their tim

Bonnie & Clyde
 Nov 30 2011, 05:41:54 PM
I saw this last week and loved it! Laura & Jeremy have an electric chemistry onstage that crackles like a high tension line. If Melissa Van Der Schyff doesn't win a Tony I'll start doubting mankind in general. My God.... she could sing a page out of a phone book and give you goosebumps! (I saw her in the revival of Big River a few years ago and was just as bowled over back then!)

Best of luck to Bonnie & Clyde, I hope you have a long run!!

Bonnie & Clyde or Newsies?
 Nov 30 2011, 05:30:24 PM
I agree...WDWFreak's comment makes me wonder what his agenda is.
As you note, the grosses shown for B&C are for previews...

As a side note: It's kind of interesting as a psychological exercise to go back over some of the negative, "snippy" comments that some people have made about various shows over the past few years and see that there are definitely certain folks that routinely post musings that, without any other logical explanation, would indicate that they might also be the ty

Bonnie & Clyde
 Nov 24 2011, 11:38:46 AM
Accidental double posting.
Bonnie & Clyde
 Nov 24 2011, 11:38:09 AM
Curtainpulldowner: as Broadwaydevil noted, and I agree," You sure seem to have a lot to critique without seeing the show. Not saying you aren't entitled to an opinion but in my experience, it's impossible to have such sharp views of a show without ever seeing it.

I hope you have a chance to catch B&C and I'd be interested to hear your thoughts."

Now that you have seen a preview of the show, you are certainly entitled to express your opinion, as you have done. I would say however, that it would probably be obvious to even the most casual reader of this thread that your biases against Wildhorn (as well as virtually every other facet of the production) were so plainly espoused in all of your previous, before-viewing posts, that it is a bit of a stretch to regard your "review" too seriously. I'm wondering (strictly from a psychological point of view) if some the the seemingly excessive harshness in your review is an attempt to justify and shore up all of the negativity that your pre-attendance posts contained...

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