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re: Legally Blonde Tour St. Louis 1/30
 Feb 6 2009, 07:37:27 PM
hi. megan lewis (vivienne) here. i've only not gone up to the Aflat twice since tour began. once in providence and i believe the other city was boston. it's quite possible you didn't hear it. oddly enough, it's a common complaint. it's a sound thing and the end of the number sits beautifully in everyone's register, so if the sound isn't perfect, you won't have a snowball's chance in hell of hearing me.i was quite sick that friday and still sang the note. i strive to maintain vocal health because
re: Rude audience members.
 Apr 26 2007, 01:30:25 PM
artist 4172: because you've got no profile, i'm curious to know how you claim to know me and why you joined just yesterday to share your opinion.
also, why have those of you who said unfounded cruel things about me personally and who i've privately maessaged failed to answer my message? only one gentlemen corresponded with me and upon our exchange, he apologized and agreed that what is on these boards should not be taken as fact.

re: Rude audience members.
 Apr 22 2007, 04:24:06 PM
megan again. it is not my obligation to allow someone to berate me as i'm trying to perform my job though the entire incident hardly matters to anyone except for myself and the patron because, and i say it once again, there are two sides to the story and we were the only ones there.
that aside, i'm more bothered by a group of people's willingness to create a bandwagon of judgement and hate based on a complete stranger's account. think before you assign the title "bitch" who "deserves to be

re: Rude audience members.
 Apr 22 2007, 12:15:13 PM
it's likely i'll regret this but here goes.
i'm megan lewis and this incident has been picked apart when only one side of the story was heard. the friday night that said patron attended grey gardens was a slow night. these are opportune shows for me to use my dictataphone or note taker to get really detailed notes. this is a necessity of show maintenance. i sat in a section that was relatively empty. had the patron said something to me immediately and not, as i'm guessing, sat and stewed f

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