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Profile for liaghatgals

Member Name: liaghatgals
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re: BFO Cancellation
 Aug 23 2004, 02:12:27 PM
I've never purchased cancellation tickets, but according to some on TBFO forum, it's very busy at 5pm for the 8pm performance. Hope that helps. I may have 2 rear mezz for Sept. 12 if my friends don't take them. I'll know by Friday.


re: Does anyone have the original BOY FROM OZ CD???
 Aug 16 2004, 12:51:42 AM
I listened extensively to the AU OCR and thorougly enjoyed it. Saddened that the Broadway version couldn't incorporate Tenterfield Saddler which is so autobiographical of Peter's life. I enjoyed Todd McKenny's voice and thought his voice more suited to the "pop style" orchestrations of the show compared to Hugh's which seems more classically trained (albeit his first musical role was in 1995 BATB).

I have the AU program and all costumes are also very different from the Broadway version

re: Hugh Jackman in SUNSET
 May 19 2004, 03:53:08 PM
I'm with you. I'd love to see this documentary. Is it available commercially?


re: re: Hugh Jackman in live interview on WOR 710 on 30 January
 Jan 28 2004, 01:12:10 AM
Hey Jo. Thanks so much for spreading the word. Now, if I were only in NY to make a phone call and be the lucky winner of the tickets!


re: Musicals Without Overtures
 Dec 22 2003, 07:12:38 PM
The Boy From Oz has a prelude but not an overture
re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: BoyFromOz to close down du
 Dec 18 2003, 10:59:35 PM
I have AA113 for Jan. 3. Where is it in relation to the conducor?
re: Hugh Jackman - Vacation ?!?
 Dec 15 2003, 10:56:35 PM
At this point Hugh has not announced any vacations, so I would think your trip this Sunday should be safe. Supposedly, a vacation in January or February is to be announced, but has not as of yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for my trip Jan. 3
re: re: re: Hugh Jackman is so charismatic
 Dec 14 2003, 07:01:12 PM
Ah, the infamous first row. Center, left or right? Piglet had a similar experience, when, last week or so? I'm making my plans for January. First row, center. Now, how to make sure I'm picked for that Bi-coastal number? Piglet, suggestions??
re: re: re: re: Don't know what to make of this...
 Dec 13 2003, 02:42:49 PM
Thought the same thing. She's being very seious and honestly thinks she is singing well, but in fact her voice can shatter glass. Ranks up there with fingernails scraping against a chalkboard. Makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up!
re: re: re: re: re: Boy From Oz
 Dec 7 2003, 10:14:26 PM
For those of us not living in NYC but who have seen the show, these posts are a godsend. So pleased about the "final tally" BC/EFA but from what I hear it won't be formally announced until tomorrow or Tuesday? Is that right Piglet. And Piglet, I want to thank you again in this forum for all you did for organizing TBFO forum BC/EFC collection. Piglet is too modest, but the forum raised over $2800. It's a great group.
re: re: re: re: Hugh Jackman on Charlie Rose
 Dec 6 2003, 03:25:11 PM
I don't think that French philosopher could have spoken if his hands were tied. He certainly was enthusiastic. Charlie Rose's style is not terribly inquisitive. Thought Charlie also looked a little "disheveled" tonight, but Hugh was gorgeous as always. Really loved how he looked Charlie Rose intently in the eyes as questions were asked. I think Hugh answered for all concerned that he would be "on Broadway doing the show" during the opening of Van Helsing. Doesn't sound like he will take any time
re: re: re: re: asking Edward about Hugh; what about BAMBI?
 Dec 2 2003, 10:19:25 PM
I agree that kids now a days are definitly more sophisticated than even kids 10 years ago. There isn't a song lyric, TV show, or movie that doesn't have some questionable elements. Bambi, Finding Nemo. Both deal with parental losses that can be extremely fringtening for young children, and yet they directed precisely towards them! Known in advance, the topic can be discussed openly and honestly. Same thing here. TBFO addresses (albeit briefly)AIDS, bi-sexuality, physical abuse, alcoholism and su
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