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Profile for dream on

Member Name: dream on
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AFTER MIDNIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Nov 10 2013, 03:30:42 AM
I forgot to mention the choreography. I understand why now after seeing it that some critics weren't impressed. I get it. Let me explain. Some numbers were cute and one was clever, but I feel like the choreographer mailed it in. It was very good but nothing I haven't seen before millions of times. Some of the choreography to me had to much ballet for this show. I didn't like that aspect except for seeing Desmond Richardson perform with perfection in his solo part. There should have been more wow
AFTER MIDNIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Nov 10 2013, 03:23:31 AM
I am surprised that I didn't love this show. I am puzzled because I love jazz music and tap dancing. I think what was missing was heart and soul. Everyone was accomplished and performed well. I think I would have done less songs and have each song be longer so there was more of a build up in each song. Fantasia did a wonderful job as always and it seems to me she will have no absences this time around. The is a piece of cake for her and her vocal restraint and ability shines through. But I love
AFTER MIDNIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Nov 3 2013, 12:31:52 PM
I just have to comment here about Fantasia. You can do all the research you want, but, she is not anti gay. She made an ill advised comment, because she was frustrated that she gets picked on for everything that happens in her life. Its a long list of things that she gets bashed for that other recording artists get a free pass. Her long time manager and best friend Brian is gay. Fantasia doesn't always express herself clearly, and people jump all over her for anything that is said. If you w
re: Jerry's Girls
 Feb 10 2008, 04:39:30 AM
I saw this show with Chita Rivera before her accident. I went with friends to support Joni Masella. She was a wonderfully talented dancer and choreographer. I believe Wayne Cilento was the choreographer and gave Joni the job. She really deserved the break- she didnt have your typical dancers body. But boy did she have Charisma when she danced. I was fortunate enough to take dance lessons from her. She was my idol back then.

Chita Rivera, to me, was the STAR of that show.

re: Fantasia's final performance Sun Jan 6th
 Jan 7 2008, 10:06:05 PM
the other thread was deleted.

please post

testing 1232


and hilltop and peacone too

mods please delete
 Jan 7 2008, 10:03:45 PM
Please post your comments from Sundays show here.


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