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Testing1232 Profile Photo
Posted: 1/7/08 at 6:33am

This thread has gotten totally off-topic.

Thank you. Updated On: 1/7/08 at 06:33 AM

#2re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 8:00am

I was there and Fantasia was brillant as well as the whole cast. When Fantasia sang "I'm Here" people were standing and clapping halfway through the song as well as Patti Labelle who was in attendence.

eta: Eartha Kitt, Barbara Cook,Allie Willis and Brenda Russell were also there. Updated On: 1/7/08 at 08:00 AM

#2re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 8:51am

Good for Fantasia for showing up to her last show!

"Hey, you! You're the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!" -Family Guy

#3re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 9:13am

It was amazing. I think it more emotional since 3 other cast members are leaving the show as well. "I'm Here" was very moving!

Testing, you may have been the person sitting next to me. Did you have a conversation with a stranger? Haha

Conquered:TCP DC W Soon: JB LK LM

Kev Profile Photo
#4re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 11:36am

some quick thoughts today from yesterday:

An *electrifying* performance today from Ms. Barrino. Her progression from teenager to senior was nuanced and thoughtful. She tore up the vocals, and pretty much had the very supportive audience in the palm of her hand.

Also the final performances of Darlesia Cearcy (whose earthy Nettie I always found more effective than Renee Goldberry's), Natasha Yvette Williams (never seen her better as Sofia), and Chaz Lamar Sheperd as Harpo.

No speeches, just bouquets of flowers for the departing members' bows, followed by the title song reprise, in which most of the cast was in tears.

An afternoon well worth it!

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#5re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 11:39am

No.. wasnt me-- I was in "quiet" mode.. LOL

It was an amazing performance !

And please.. lets not spam this thread with the Fantasia attendance stuff. There are already numerous threads on the topic. Not that I am defending her, but yesterday was about her performing. Thanks !

#6re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 12:06pm

Oh, but Testing, she's made herself such a big fat juicy target. I can't blame anyone for going for the easy one.

#7re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 12:16pm

Did you guys see all of the tears during "The Color Purple" reprise?

Man, it was very moving.

Conquered:TCP DC W Soon: JB LK LM

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#8re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 1:03pm

Agree, Lc, but like I said, there are so many threads already targeting her attendance record.

Mezzo21862 Profile Photo
#9re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 1:07pm

I was there!! we had seats in the very last row of the balcony, but it was almost more awesome this way...we were able to see the entire theatre stand up and cheer for fantasia during "i'm here" was so incredible...i don't think i have never seen such a moving live performance!

i saw patti labelle leave after the show and get in her limo...a whole bunch of people were out there. i dont know if Fantasia ever came out the stage door because we left pretty soon, but we were there when she went inside, and she said to everybody standing there "It's my last show!!" and she was very excited!

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#10re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 1:15pm

I did notice that she seemed to miss the 1st few lines of the "Color Purple" reprise... think she was too choked up.

Very moving, indeed !

#11re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 1:22pm

Oh how I wish I could've seen it!!! My boy and I got to the theatre for the rush at 5am, and the line was already around the corner and down 53rd Street....very sad!

kk holiday Profile Photo
kk holiday
#12re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 2:13pm

I saw the show back in June and thought Fantasia was great...but boy did she take it to another level last night!! AMAZING!!! I got tickets for my friend as a Christmas present (Front Mezz ctr. and only just bought them two weeks ago) and we didnt stop crying for almost the whole show. So many moments to point out. Everyone was on point last night!! I have never heard a more vocal crowd during a broadway show's like people just became part of the show. I know some people may dislike that aspect (people talking back to the characters) but somehow it made me feel like I was part of something amazing just being there. The love and emotion I saw pouring out from the actors and the audience was beautiful. There were a couple of standing o's during the show which shocked me. Loved it when people went crazy with Fantasia's first note in "I'm Here." She took that song to a new level. The actors were all in tears during the last picnic scene, before the last song even begain. It was all so emotional and warming!! Wonderful night!

I got to thanks Scott Sanders and Allee Willis after the show for bring such and amazing show to broadway. Might come back to see how the new leads do after they settle into their parts. Updated On: 1/7/08 at 02:13 PM

dream on
#13re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 2:30pm

I was there too. It was one of the nights that you will remember for the rest of your life. It was an honor.

Someone capped the performance of Im Here on YouTube. I was there and hearing this again brings back such great memories. You can hear the audience's reaction throughout the song.


Removed. But go to YouTube and type in Fantasia's final performance= you should be able to find it. Audio only.

Updated On: 1/7/08 at 02:30 PM

#14re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 2:45pm

When I saw Fantasia in early December, I posted that it was one of the most amazing performances I had ever seen by an actress - ever. If she was even better at her closing performance, it must have been postively electric!

#15re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 2:47pm

I have seen the show a couple of times but last night stood head and shoulders above all the others.

The emotions were running wild on the stage and in the audience. Darlesia Cearcy (Nettie) couldn't hold back the vocal sobs at the end of the picnic, and even though some knew she was crying because she was leaving the show, it just made Celie and Nettie's reunion seem that much more real.

Dream On that audio of I'm Here is amazing but it doesn't even come close to describing the type of emotions and energy that was in that theater during those moments. I'll never forget it.

I mean it was just every thing that Broadway is supposed to be. A cast and an audience just completely emotional tapped into the show. Updated On: 1/7/08 at 02:47 PM

#16re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 2:52pm

I was there last night also and I must say (as others have) it was a "Night to Remember"...the entire cast put on a show for the ages. I cried so bad at one point (it was embarrassing)...I kept passing tissues to my entire row. We were a mess. But I must say Fantasia left a permenant (and positive) impression on my heart. Baby, when that child sang "I'm Here" and Miss Patti jumped to her feet (she was the 1st one), IT WAS OVER. The picnic scene really tugged at my heart also, when Fantasia, Elisabeth and Alton were sitting together...they were all in tears. And lastly, Darlecia and Fantasia (when Nettie came home) now that just wasn't acting, you could tell they genuinly loved each other (and they mouthed it to one another) and you could literally hear Darlecia sobbing in the mic. The entire show was SO touching (of course, Natasha and Chaz were amazing and Lakisha Jones was fantastic also).

I'm still savoring the night....

Updated On: 1/7/08 at 02:52 PM

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#17re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 3:04pm

I had a feeling it would show up on youtube... I saw a ton of people around me clearly taping, (not to mention the pictures that were taken !!!)

Definitely something I will never forget !! Thanks for the link !!

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#18re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 3:05pm

"Someone capped the performance of Im Here on YouTube."

Which is a copyright infringment, which is not allowed on this board.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Jonny boy Profile Photo
Jonny boy
#19re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 3:07pm

Sounds like it was an amazing performance. I really wish I had gotten the chance to see her in this role. Do you know if they are going to do a new cast recording with her???

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#20re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 3:10pm

Not sure about the OBCR, but I did notice that they did update the program for Fantasia.

#21re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 3:16pm

Thanks for the youtube link Dream On.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#22re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 3:17pm

So you are PROUDLY breaking the rules then?


"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#23re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 3:39pm

Hey Dream On i just can't get over the whole theater was just standing up cheering and you could see the love between Nettie and Celie and the whole cast, i know that they will miss Fantasia and she will miss them also.

dream on
#24re: Fantasia's Final Performance
Posted: 1/7/08 at 4:08pm

Peaceone- Yes it was amazing. I have never seen so many tears flowing from a cast of any of the hundreds of shows I have been to.

It was an amazing night. Maybe some of those who are interested can pop over to you tube and enjoy the performance.

And Hi TheatreDiva - thanks for bumping this topic up. Cant stay away can you?
