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Member Name: brdwycutie
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Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
 Nov 29 2005, 08:36:04 PM
A couple of things, semi-off-topic...

First of all, someone mentioned that Harry Potter had a "camera angle to force viewer on private parts." I figured it out! When the Beauxbaton's (sp?) girls were walking in, there was a shot of their backsides when they were walking away... (I would probably have a used a "three-letter word" instead of saying backside, but I don't know how they are about language on this site... lol)

Also, I think their rating's system is a little flawed.

Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
 Nov 29 2005, 04:00:44 PM
Hi everyone!

I'm brand new to this site (had to get away from IMDB... too many trolls... lol), and this is actually my first post, so I just want to say hi. *waves* lol

This is slightly off-topic, but I just wanted to say how wonderful it was to read posts by Christians who love RENT. I personally am very confused about religion and have not found my place yet.

The church I have been attending for a while with a friend of mine is starting to frustrate me.

Two things that happened just this past Sunday that make me think I don't belong there:
1) I overheard someone talking about being quoted in the newspaper as saying "As a Christian, of course I don't agree with the morning-after-pill" or something to that effect.
2) I noticed that they have a book for sale at the church called "Marriage Under Fire: Why We Must Win This Battle" by James Dobson. Long story short, the book goes to great lengths to explain the "...dire ramifications of judicial activism and presents compelling arguments against the legalization of homosexual unions" (directly quoted from the book description on - the link is if anyone is interested.)

I apologize that this is turning into such a ramble, but I just wanted to say that a lot of these posts give me hope that there may yet be room for me in Christianity despite the fact that I am bi-sexual and liberal-minded.

Alright, aside from that, thanks for the link because I'm sure that I will be highly amused by other reviews. Also, the RENT movie is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen on screen! =)

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