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Member Name: MarkysSparky
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Look, Bethy wrote a poem!
 Jan 1 2006, 02:49:33 AM
THREAD JACK! Ha. Ok... I just read something about Anthony being on Issac. I hope I haven't missed it.

Also... It's nearing New Year's day. I guess I wanted to wish you all a happy early New Year's day... Yupyup! My friends and I are watching Anthony Rapp films. It's been really fun. Road Trip is one of my favs. YEAH! *rocks out*

re: Bway Actors/Actresses You Would Like to See in Other Roles
 Dec 29 2005, 03:43:05 AM
For me... Anthony Rapp as the Emcee in Cabaret. It would be funny, but it would be perfect.

Harvey Fierstein(sp?) as Tevye... Oh! Whoops! I do believe it's actually happened... *rolls eyes* I really did NOT like that casting choice...

Ok... how about... Idina Menzel as Eponine in Les Mis. That would actually be sort of neat! And Sutton Foster as Elphaba in Wicked! WHOA!!!

A Very Broadway Holiday
 Dec 29 2005, 03:38:11 AM
Same here, Jade Nova. I wish I could take up photography, too, but it would only be something of a side hobby. I'm more of a painter(points to icon), yet I think I still have an eye for anything artistic. Photography is extremely attractive. My Grandfather was an amateur photographer... so, I've learned to appreciate the art form.

And I'm totally going through a RENT withdrawal, too. *shivers in a corner* Reeeeeeeennnnntttt...

Oy... Twister... Anthony is, like, in only ONE scen

A Very Broadway Holiday
 Dec 29 2005, 01:32:06 AM
I liked Christina's pictures... the ones from Bridgewater. I love photos like that... where the subjects look so in the moment and natural. Plus... We all know that Mr. Rapp is simply adorable.

Yus... I think I shall refer to him as Mr. Rapp, now. It makes me feel better... as if I were giving the actor more respect, I suppose. ^___^

A Very Broadway Holiday
 Dec 29 2005, 01:19:48 AM
Whoa... I am lovin' the whole Anthony Rapp picture explosion. It made me grin! And... HEY! I forgot he was in a Beautiful Mind... with the guy who plays a character in Monk.

I'm watching Twister right now... and I JUST spotted Mr. Rapp... in the background... watching a fight between Cary Elwes and Bill Paxton. He looks so innocent!!!!! And he's wearing a blue-ish shirt!!!!! YEEEEE! *fangirl squeal*

re: Rent
 Dec 28 2005, 03:29:47 AM
Hey... I don't think they wrote anything about the disappearing lady during the Santa Fe number on the subway!!! LOL! My friend had seen this film about 5 times and she didn't even notice the lady until the fifth time seeing it... when I pointed it out to her. What a laugh.
A Very Broadway Holiday
 Dec 28 2005, 03:20:24 AM
NYAH!!! *snags Adventures in Babysitting pics* CUTE! I should have taken a picture with Anthony when I met him... but damn my lack of a camera... and damn my lack of actual knowledge of who he was! Why didn't I KNOW back then!!!?? WHY?!?! *falls over*

Anywho... I feel like posting more pictures, too! Don't feel too limited in your picture posting, Irony. I think we all long to see more. Plus.. it will give us all something to talk about. ^^ And... call me Sparky if you don't want to typ

re: once upon a mattress
 Dec 28 2005, 03:00:36 AM
I agree with every inch of the complaints. My youth theater group recently did this show and it was MUCH better on stage. They didn't skip as many songs as the TV version and they still made that king something of a hornball despite the theater group's Christian reputation.

Tracy Ullman should have been Lady Larken and Harry should have been Dauntless. Zooey Dreschenel(sp?) AKA Larken has much more to fill the leading role than Ullman. Plus, Zooey has more personality. They could have

A Very Broadway Holiday
 Dec 28 2005, 02:47:46 AM
Aw... the picture didn't show up in my first post. Meow... I always have a hard time with technology... That's better, though. Tasty, yeah?
A Very Broadway Holiday
 Dec 28 2005, 02:38:18 AM
Well... this thread has gotten FAAAAAAAARR. 402 pages and I've seen the topic change about... I don't know... like... 50 times? Lol! I'm not actually counting.

I have totally missed most of the recent topics. But I see that people are posting their Anthony pictures... and he is absolutely adorable in every still!!!! Especially Mandi's and Irony's choices. This is one of my favourites... it makes my Adam Pascal freak friend swoon.

A Very Broadway Holiday
 Dec 27 2005, 04:06:00 AM
I saw The Producers, as well... What I have to say about it: Eeeeeeh... It was ok by my standards. There was something about it that made it sort of... distant? Maybe it was the fact that it was literally the show on screen. All of those jokes... the songs... the little gags.. they're made more for the stage than the screen.

But it was fun to catch all the little references they made to other Mel Brooks films!!!! Well... I only really caught one reference... I don't think there were an

re: EVITA (the animated musical)
 Dec 26 2005, 01:47:40 AM
I saw Evita and animated in the same sentence... I had to come scuttling into this thread.

I want to go into the animation field.... and I don't really respect Disney anymore. But... they have made some seemingly dark animated films... I mean... Snow White gets a little creepy every once in a while... and The Brave Little Toaster is on a path all its own, swerving away from traditional Disney style(and it is a Disney film, mind you).

But... nowadays, I wouldn't trust Disney wit

A Very Broadway Holiday
 Dec 26 2005, 01:38:00 AM
So... everyone got a Mark Scarf. ^_^ I eventually got the actual scarf from the RENT online store. My mom brought it out eventually, claiming that 'Santa' had forgotten it. Yeeeah. I'm really happy with it, though. So... I have two striped scarves... they make me giddy.

VivaBohemia, your friend's mother is definitely living under a rock. Us 17 year olds know a bit about the things that happened back then and RENT depicts true culture. My mother wouldn't let me see RENT for quite a while

A Very Broadway Holiday
 Dec 25 2005, 02:13:43 PM
I want a RENT cow! And the RENT t-shirt... all of my friends got to get the longsleeve t-shirt when we did a promotional singing job for the film. Of course... I couldn't do it due to a trip to Illinois... so I missed out on getting all of the free stuff. You're one lucky duck.
re: CHICAGO: Cell Block Tango
 Dec 25 2005, 02:09:40 PM
I was watching Chicago on A&E or Bravo... and they had a translation for it as one of their extra thingies...

I think the translation that was given by Georgeanne is pretty much correct! ^^

re: *Insert Performer Here* Singing *Insert Song Here*
 Dec 25 2005, 02:07:28 PM
Anthony Rapp singing "Wilkommen" from Cabaret... It just seems so right.

Michael Ball singing "I'm Free" from Tommy.

Adam Pascal singing ANYTHING from JC Superstar.

Julian Bleach singing something from Oliver!.... It would work... he would make a nice Fagin. ^___________^ Yeah.

re: It is December 24th, 9pm, eastern standard time
 Dec 25 2005, 02:02:17 PM
I feel stupid.. I forgot to say it! Of course... My mom and I were watching The Muppet's Christmas Carol by the time 9:00 pm came along. I should make it a tradition to sing at 9:00 pm on Dec. 24th... ^_^ That's my New Year's Resolution! YEAH!
A Very Broadway Holiday
 Dec 25 2005, 01:58:57 PM
Yusyus!!!!! Happy Christmahanakwanzaakah to everyone!!! Or... Happy Holidays. ^_^

What did I get for Christmas? Lots o' giftcards, including Suncoast giftcards and Borders giftcards... meaning that I can get all the Anthony Rapp films and Broadway soundtracks I want! ^_________^

But... the thing that really made my Christmas awesome was the black and white striped scarf my Grandma knitted for me. I'm wearing it right now... and I feel like belting out RENT songs... and filming

Raiding Closets
 Dec 24 2005, 09:12:27 PM
Yeah.... that totally made my night... *huge grin*
Raiding Closets
 Dec 24 2005, 09:03:11 PM
Well... I saw the original title of this thread and scuttled over here. But, alas... it seems the subject has changed! Lol!

But, hey... I saw Open House and the word 'rent' in the same sentence. I have added Open House to my Netflix que(sp?) and am really looking forward to watching it. ^___^

Sisterhood is a nice little film, too.... But I'm currently focused on getting Anthony Rapp films... for a little movie night my friend and I are planning. Anthony Rapp Movie Night. Yup..

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