re: Lea Salonga as Elphaba May 10
2006, 02:54:17 PM
Lea's Eponine "uninspired"? Well too bad the producers of Les Mis didn't think so. Hence the invitation to appear in the 10th anniversary. I agree that her voice might be too pretty for Elphaba. But to go as far as to criticize her portrayal of Eponine is a little bit of a stretch.
re: Last 10 Shows You've Seen May 7
2006, 12:07:03 AM
1. Little Women - (Hippodrome, Baltimore) Fantastic! 2. Hot Feet! - (Washington, DC) The worst musical ever! An utter waste of time! 3. Joseph/Dreamcoat - (Hippodrome, Baltimore) Patrick Cassidy! Need I say more? 4. Spamalot (Broadway Prod.) Hmmmnn.. It was okay I guess 5. Wicked - (Washington, DC) Stephanie and Kendra rocked! BOO to Derrick! 6. The Producers - (Broadway Prod.) 100x better than the movie! 7. Fame - (Lon
re: Hot Feet First Preview 4-20-06 Apr 22
2006, 01:44:01 AM
Yeah it actually seems fun at first, that is when you are still inside the theatre. But once you get out and have time to reflect, you'll go like "WTF did i just see?!". I don't mean to hate but it really is an utter waste of time. Mind you, my standards aren't even that high as opposed to the ones by the very discriminating theatre afficionados on here. You are just going to get mad at yourself for giving it the time of day, I swear. I am still trying to make peace with myself by trying t
re: Tony vs. Laurence Olivier Apr 17
2006, 10:31:29 PM
Lea Salonga swept all the awards for her Kim, not only the Tonys and LOs. She also won the Drama Desk, Outer Critics Circle and the Theatre World awards. Amazing!
re: Tony vs. Laurence Olivier Apr 17
2006, 10:13:41 PM
Not necessarily for the same role. Just actors who have been recognized by both.
Tony vs. Laurence Olivier Apr 17
2006, 10:09:11 PM
In your opinion, which of the two award-giving bodies is more credible and prestigious? And why? In short, which would you rather have? Do you know of actors who have won both?
re: Sutton or Lea? Apr 17
2006, 12:23:00 PM
..... posted twice for some peculiar reason..
re: Sutton or Lea? Apr 17
2006, 12:22:59 PM
triplethreat.. you are horrible!lol.. i don't know where to count your vote. but since the post is not partial to who is the better Eponine but rather to their general appeal, is it safe to say you're for Sutton?
re: Sutton or Lea? Apr 17
2006, 11:56:06 AM
The votes so far.. Sutton: 8 Lea: 10 Neutral: 4 Hmmnn.. Pretty close, I must say.
re: Sutton or Lea? Apr 17
2006, 11:28:44 AM
**Why is it every topic I choose to read is ruined by someone who has to try to look superiour to everyone else?** "The argument was a ploy to cover up moowithme111105's use of the "B word"!" lol @ collins.. i guess we're busted then.. that word is really dreadful, isn't it? btw, no one is trying to prove himself superior mesmerized..i just hate it when people try to aggravate you coz they don't like your post. personally, if i have a problem with someone
re: Sutton or Lea? Apr 16
2006, 07:00:35 PM
"Well, I think I'm still ahead :)" I never realized this was a competition.. How very elementary. And if only to appease you, I'm going to put back the fragment I omitted a while ago. Yes, it will REALLY change it's meaning dramatically. Because people here are THAT STUPID not to understand what the post is all about. Original post: "Since these two are quite similar in ways more than one, both having played Eponine, possessin
re: Sutton or Lea? Apr 16
2006, 05:22:24 PM
"I am just saying that if you already knew everyone's opinion on this matter, then why do you have to get it from them again." And your point is?
re: Sutton or Lea? Apr 16
2006, 01:40:35 PM
"Then why start another thread when you knew that people would be comparing the two as Eponine?" And how is it any of your business?!
re: Sutton or Lea? Apr 16
2006, 01:33:09 PM
whether or not I put Eponine up there, people will still revert to that comparison.. as it happens, they are two of the most famous and best-liked Eponines ever.
re: Sutton or Lea? Apr 16
2006, 01:11:41 PM
"There was a thread on this not too long ago." Is that so? Well i'm sorry for the redundancy. Guess it's a popular subject then. It's fun so what the hell. :) The first one was about BEING EPONINE in particular. This one's about GENERAL PREFERENCE.
Sutton or Lea? Apr 16
2006, 12:51:21 PM
Since these two are quite similar in ways more than one, both having played Eponine, possessing strikingly similar voices, and are both fantastic thespians in their own rights, it's time we have a consensus. Who cuts it for you? And why? Sutton and Lea fans, war is upon you.
Little Women in Baltimore! Apr 15
2006, 12:09:47 AM
I enjoyed it immensely despite the fact that we were late and had to wait 15 minutes before we were seated . I don't see why it didn't take off on Broadway. This was the very first time I saw it and if the performances were as strong in NYC as they were here, I really just don't get it. Kate Fisher was great as Jo and Louisa Flaningham was absolutely delightful as Aunt March. The set ranks among the best I've seen. The music was very pleasant and the humor was effective.
re: It's a girl for Lea Salonga! Apr 11
2006, 03:23:35 PM
I wish she recuperates ASAP after she gives birth so we could have the pleasure of watching her on stage again. Broadway needs her. Frankly, she could play whatever role (Elphaba, Eponine, Evita, Mme. Morrible, Elphie's broomstick...) and I'd still go see her...
It's a girl for Lea Salonga! Apr 11
2006, 01:34:10 AM
According to an article published on INQ7.NET, Lea's baby is due in 5 weeks or so and it's definitely going to be a girl. Click the link below for the full story..
re: Future Elphabas & Glindas Apr 7
2006, 01:48:02 AM
CLAY AIKEN would make a great ELPHABA opposite RUBEN STUDDARD's GLINDA.. oh what I wouldn't give to see RUBEN bouncing around to POPULAR in GLINDA's lovely pink gown.. :)