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NEW YORK, NEW YORK On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
 Apr 14 2023, 07:30:18 PM

WHO are the people who post here? I seriously would like these musical theatre experts to list their credits before attacking these shows. I suspect most are waiting tables at Juniors or teaching musical theatre at a community college somewhere in Florida Bitter bitter bitter. 

It's big old fashioned and a probably over produced. But when I pay NY prices to see a Broadway I appreciate a lavish production. 

Yes there are three story lines. But it's clear

1776's Sara Porkalob Brutally Honest Vulture Article
 Oct 18 2022, 07:45:37 PM

Well at least they're giving Beanie a rest. Just when you thought her casting was the worst idea of the seaon Diane P. comes to the rescue. Who knows? Even Diana The Musical could get a revival next.

1776 Reviews
 Oct 7 2022, 01:50:06 PM

HogansHero said: "dougs9797 said: "About nine times out of ten I dislike productions where the director 'reimagines' the show. Too often they rewrite them instead of direct them. 1776 by its very nature does not lend itself to this stunt like casting. It cheapens both the show ant the need for diverse casting when. diverse casting is called for. The whole venture was too problematic."

What is to be eschewed is laziness. We should be celebrating (

1776 Reviews
 Oct 6 2022, 11:26:41 PM

About nine times out of ten I dislike productions where the director 'reimagines' the show. Too often they rewrite them instead of direct them. 1776 by its very nature does not lend itself to this stunt like casting. It cheapens both the show ant the need for diverse casting when. diverse casting is called for. The whole venture was too problematic. 

Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread
 Dec 6 2021, 01:51:01 PM

Saw this Sat. night.....major snooze fest.

Greg Kinnear as Aticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird
 Feb 25 2020, 05:13:09 PM

Well drat! I didn't check how long Ed Harris was going to be in the role before buying tickets for May...I think KInnear will be fine but I was actually more excited about Harris in the role than Jeff Daniels....Kinnear is fine but I wouldn't have been  compelled to get a ticket with him in the lead...

 Apr 23 2019, 10:45:34 PM

Glad to see that Jesse Green appreciated the score as opposed to the early naysayers on here. Today's musicals require more than just songs you can hum on the way out the door. 

 Apr 23 2019, 08:18:45 PM

Can we please please please just drop it with the weak score comments? If a show has a good book as this one does it is immediately criticized for having a weak score. And please spare me the "I don't remember any of the songs." The reason audiences remembered Some Enchanted Evening and other great Rodgers and Hammerstein songs when they left the theater is because the audience had played the melody twenty times! New musicals aren't built that way. Composers give their audie

 Dec 3 2018, 10:28:17 PM

Saw this on Sat. I left the theater feeling nothing. Didn't love it, didn't hate it which is pretty damning actually.

I hope we can lay to rest the biographical jukebox musicals with three stars to portray a star at different points in their career. It worked occasionally when the three Chers discussed events among themselves but just think how much fun it would have been to have Cher discuss her life with LaVerne who only appeared for a few seconds....

Get a ticket at T

KING KONG - Previews
 Oct 14 2018, 04:07:34 PM

I don't understand the vitriol in some of these posts.

Tootsie - Chicago tryout
 Oct 10 2018, 12:28:48 AM

Saw this tonight and LOVED it. 

Great cast led by Santino! John Behlman and Andy Grotelueschen were standouts as well along with Julie Halson.

I liked the second half of the show much better than the film which always got bogged down to me in the second half.

The fact there was no closing number didn't bother me at all. I loved the ending. I would like a bigger 11 o'clock number for Dorothy in Act 2 though...

And finally a quibble, a major quibble. Sar

New Head Over Heels Playbills
 Aug 17 2018, 09:59:08 AM

Saw this show Wed. night. I noticed the insert as well. Listed a new batch of producers. Hoping this show hangs on by a thread! 

Such a great show. I loved the cast, the scenic design and lighting. The music, I loved the campiness of it all. It deserves to play! 

 Jun 10 2018, 11:12:04 PM

Worst Tony Awards broadcast ever!


What shows have you walked out on?
 May 31 2018, 01:56:37 PM

R & J....Couldn't take all those sweaty actors running around screaming at one another in a small confined space....

and LoveMusic despite the very talented Michael Cerveris and Donna Murphy...left at intermission....the woman sitting next to me wanted to leave as well but she was with her daughter who wanted to stay.

SNL does Broadway
 May 20 2018, 08:57:33 PM

Anyone else as pleased as I am that SNL has featured Broadway themed skits several times in the last few weeks? Loved the Lin Manuel cameo in Mean Girls last night along with 'What I did for Love.'

Taylor Louderman
 May 2 2018, 06:58:04 PM

A very deserved nomination. Her Regina is the driving force behind everything that happens in Mean Girls. Louderman's strong Regina motivates everything that happens in the show. She's the catalyst. She has great vocal chops but what sets her apart is her Lucille Ball type willingness to do what it takes for the comedy. That was evident very early in her Broadway career; the mascot scene in Bring it On for example. She is an absolute dynamo, bringing great energy to the stage.

Taylor Louderman
 May 2 2018, 12:07:23 AM

They've made Mean Girls, the musical an ensemble show but the heart of this production is Regina. Regina has to be strong and the actress playing Regina has to have star power just like Regina at North Shore would have to have had to compel the other plastics  and the school to submit to her will.

I'm sure changes have been made since D. C. but when I saw the show there I lost interest when she was offstage "recuperating" from her bus accident (which was brillian

 Apr 16 2018, 05:11:18 PM

Billboard review. Very positive

 Apr 12 2018, 01:11:18 PM

Trying to recall the last time Rex Reed was relevant. Have to go back at least as far as the first Bush administration. #41

 Apr 8 2018, 10:44:31 PM

Not sure why a lot of posters on here are taking the title of this musical way too seriously....some very "mean guys and girls" on the board tonight.

I think the score is being a little unjustly criticized. It would have been easy to take any of the many taglines of the movie and turned them into musical moments. I think the reason the score is taking the brunt of the criticism is actually because it serves the story too well, melding seamlessly into the story.

Also go

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