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Member Name: Pippie_Poppins
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re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
 Jan 17 2007, 11:22:34 PM

Thank you for eloquently responding to my post, SDav You know, thank you for telling me where I actually went too far. In my mind I was on a role. And not that Beauty is a masterpiece by any means, I think it should mean something to us as "theatre enthusiasts" Again, the show is about outcasts and people thought of as odd, which , is anyone who loves musical theatre... am I right? We really aren't considered normal by any means.

But for months, I have heard people say "Disney

re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
 Jan 17 2007, 08:17:29 PM
Okay, let me clairfy something.

In my original post, I said "I'm not sad it's closing!"

This whole thing spawned from a conversation with a Renthead who said that Rent should never close because it would destroy the legacy of Jonathan Larson. To that effect. I thought it was stupid, and still do. Of course it's out of left field for you guys who didn't take part of this real life conversation. I thought the person said he died of AIDS. Sorry to get that wrong. However, is

re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
 Jan 17 2007, 07:40:54 PM
Sweet Q,

I'm a reader, not a poster, and all in all, I'm just sick of reading all the negativity on these boards. Reading that people are "glad" to see a show go (Not all from this board, I've heard it in conversations and elsewhere) has just gotten to me. And this was the last straw, and it just doesn't seem like you guys get it anyway. All you want to do is point out a mistake I made. And you make me out to be the crazy one. I see now why Broadway can fail so easily.


re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
 Jan 17 2007, 07:26:47 PM
I am not an idiot. I've heard people say that about Rent, and I was attemping to prove that's it the exact same case! But fine, I was mistaken. I thought the man had AIDS, but I guess I was wrong. Just because I was wrong doesn't make me an idiot. I was trying to make a COMPARISON. So I don't know the facts of how someone died.

And when Rent closes, I'll be "glad" too.

So colleen, don't be rude because you can type and throw around words like idiot. And yes, there are p

re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
 Jan 17 2007, 07:16:53 PM
"Also, many didn't like it because its artistic merit has lacked, especially in recent years. I am all for entertainment candy, but it should be well written. I agree that the show brought joy to many, including me when I was younger, and I'll always remember that. But many did not like it for the above reason I stated, and I agree with them, it was not done in the most artful way."

I'm not saying it didn't lack in recent years, but it was a good show. I mean, trying to make the object

re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
 Jan 17 2007, 07:07:34 PM
OH MY GOD, you people are exasperating! He ****ing had AIDS didn't he? Wouldn't his immune system be down because of AIDS and he could have fought whatever he had? Let me make my comparison. I don't like Rent. I like Disney. I know Disney facts, not Rent facts. To any Rentheads who want to bother me about it.

And that's what I'm talking about... all you people want to find, are the mistakes I made.

I mean, I think you were either trying to be nice to bring it to m

To anyone happy to see "Beauty" go...
 Jan 17 2007, 06:59:29 PM

Why is everyone so happy about this show leaving? I know I'm not.

I think it's pitiful that people say Rent should stay open because of a "legacy" to Jonathan Larson, but do we even ****ing think of Howard Ashman? Who gave a mermaid her voice and a beast his soul? Not to mention a plant his food. And teenagers a beauty pagent. He died of AIDS too, you know. He died in the process of making Aladdin. He died before Beauty was released to the movie theatre's, and didn't see th

re: Mary Poppins review (including the set breakage)
 Oct 26 2006, 12:47:40 AM
I was there! I'm going back as soon as I can.
re: Company Rush Not Available Fri-Sun?
 Oct 12 2006, 09:39:11 PM
No, the only weekend exception they had was the closing night, which I rushed for. I don't know why... because what student really can get rush on a weekday? We're in SCHOOL. :)

I have no idea where the seats would be located Bwayondabrain. Hope you find out and tell us!

re: Company Rush Not Available Fri-Sun?
 Oct 12 2006, 09:25:38 PM
The show is being produced by nearly the same exact people as Sweeney Todd, and that was their EXACT policy for price and weekdays. So I'm going to say, yes, that is the truth. Horrible... but it is the way of the greedy.
re: Interesting Facts You Didn't Know About Your Favorite Shows..
 Oct 12 2006, 09:19:23 PM
Maybe OT, but "Somewhere over the Rainbow" was cut from "The Wizard of Oz", I can't remember who through a fit to get it put back in. Apparently, no one at the studio liked it and it didn't test well.

The fit throw-er would be Judy Garland. Bless her heart.

re: Performances that were not only denied a Tony nomination, but they shou
 Aug 16 2006, 11:44:20 PM
At the time of the first Cabaret, Sally and the Emcee were supporting roles. It was really a vehicle for the Schneider and Shultz characters. That changed with the movie and second and third revivals.

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