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Member Name: aussie-elphie
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re: Photo Coverage: Wicked Celebrates 1000th Performance
 Mar 25 2006, 05:14:07 AM
"Would'nt it be wonderful if Idina and Kristin where still in the show."

Couldn't agree with u more renthead#1! I think Idina and Krisitn should have been invited to this cake gathering thing, maybe they were, but they're part of the reson Wicked has made it to 1000 performances. Well done everyone involved and who have been involved with Wicked, you've done such a marvellous job, we all couldnt thank u enough. Try going for a million performances! (Would that be the biggest party ever

re: Attention WICKED fans in the know!
 Mar 23 2006, 01:55:27 AM
It definatly would be!! I'd do double the plane time anyday just to be in New York. I'm definatly living there when i finish school.
Thanks a lot Dre2387, It's nice to know ive got people who believe im not a teenybopper Wicked conformist. But i think they're aren't any because it's just such a fantastic musical that anyone could love because of it's brilliant score and everything (espicially thanks to Idina and Krisitn!) Are there really teens like that in the U.S? Seems so strange to me t

re: Attention WICKED fans in the know!
 Mar 22 2006, 06:32:47 AM
Hey everyone, sorry i havnt replyd in a while, been extremely busy and havn't had any net time.

Testing1232: "I will buy you tix to see "Wicked" here in NYC for 30 straight days, if you switch places with us!! I will gladly move to Australia! I will gladly move to Australia!"

I WOULD LITTERALLY TRADE PLACES WITH U RIGHT NOW (if i wasn't only 16! DAMMIT!!!) Would you buy tickets for about 15 people for 1 day??? Or maybe 15 people's accomidation for 2 and a half weeks?? haha wow

re: Attention WICKED fans in the know!
 Mar 19 2006, 05:18:56 AM
For your information lizziecurry I'm 16 and have a job which has paid for my laptop so that just goes to show how eaisly you've assumed that teenagers don't work for they're own possesions, and my parents are a whole different story!

"Ah, but it's all about the presentation...
Consider how you come across here. It's all we've got to go by"

The way you present yourself (Your lame picture and your juvinile responses) arent doing you any favours what so ever, so I wouldn't ta

re: Attention WICKED fans in the know!
 Mar 19 2006, 04:44:40 AM
Look, don't put any blame on me for this "Teeny bopper" craze! I've been into musicals my entie life, litterally! Wicked just happens to be one i havnt seen live because it's modern and not in Australia yet. You guys should be so thankful that you have experianced the OBC and even been to Broadway! All I've ever wanted was to go to New York and be apart of the musical theatre scene. I would live on the streets of New York to do so! So if my enthusiasum makes you belive I'm just a "Teeny bopper"
re: Attention WICKED fans in the know!
 Mar 19 2006, 12:13:04 AM
R U SERIOUS!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! I LUV U MATTY! MMMMMWAA XOXOXO!!! WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!! YEEEEEAAAHHH BABY!!! Do you know when it's coming to Aus? Do you know if its the whole thing or an "adapted" verion?

You've brightend up my day Matty!!! Thank you soooooo much!!!!

re: If You Could Dine With Any Broadway Star, Who Would You Pick?
 Mar 18 2006, 10:37:02 PM
What a great yet extreamly difficult question! Theres millions more but i'll just put a few:-

***Idina Menzel*** (DEFINATLY)
-Kristin Chenoweth
-Taye Diggs
-Liza Minelli
-Bob Fosse
-Ann Reinking
-Julie Andrews
-Phylicia Rashad (Random but she seems like such a sweet and cool person!)

Attention WICKED fans in the know!
 Mar 18 2006, 07:41:57 AM
Does anyone know if Wicked is coming to Sydney Australia??? If it does, it would be a billion dreams come true for me! Anybody got any evidence that remotely suggests it would come here? And could someone explain to me, what does it mean when they say there's going to be an "Adapted" Japense Wicked produciton? Would they do an "Adapted" one for Aus? I'd have given ANYTHING to have seen the OBC of it! For the many people who did see Idina and Kristin, DAM U ALL, IM SO JEALOUS!!!

If someo

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