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Member Name: bitey dog
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And JB on 8/22 as well...
 Aug 25 2006, 10:54:23 AM
Quick question to those of you who've done rush lately.

What time have you gotten there and what's the line been like? Full/Half-Full/Etc?

I'm thinking about going to rush for the matinee tomorrow since it'll be my last chance before school starts.

 Aug 7 2006, 02:15:54 PM
Les Mis was probably the first show to make me cry.

I remember losing it at the very end of Rent, right before Your Eyes.

Ragtime ALWAYS makes me weep, even listening to the cast recording. It's something about Stokes and the way he emotes.

However the one thing that always leaves me sobbing and unable to breathe is Bright Lights, Big City. BLBC is one of those shows that just hits this place in my heart and I can't keep it in.

 Aug 7 2006, 01:27:52 PM
Now that I finally am no longer working 13 hour days, I wanted to take some time to rush JBz.

I was actually thinking about going tomorrow, since weekdays seem a little easier and I want to take my dad and a 7pm show works out the best.

Has anyone ever rushed Tuesdays before? Is the policy any different? What time would tickets go on sale? Is anyone going to be out/on vacation, that people know of? Also, what's the running time of the show?

And seeing what

re: Jersey Boys Rush..Beware!
 Jul 18 2006, 02:45:53 PM
Good to know - I was worried I was going to have to get up crazy early!

This is Lori's friend Cristen, BTW. :) So if you see me there, definitely say hi. Just don't get me confused with that other person again, lol.

re: Jersey Boys Rush..Beware!
 Jul 18 2006, 11:26:39 AM
I'm planning to take my dad to see the show this weekend and Sunday is the only day I can do rush.

Can someone tell me what time I should get in line and what time the tickets actually go on sale for the Sunday 3pm show?

Thanks so much. :)

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