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Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up, and sobbing like a bitch?

Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up, and sobbing like a bitch?

CapnHook Profile Photo
#0Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up, and sobbing like a bitch?
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:08pm

Any experiences like that? Play or musical?

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

dirty rotten guy Profile Photo
dirty rotten guy
#1re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up, and sobbing like a bitch?
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:13pm

The ending of Grey Gardens killed me. The emotions were so high, I cant imagine anyone not being a bit of a mess.

"The hallmark of aristocracy is responsibility. Oh brother, that got me, that did me in!"

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#2re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up, and sobbing like a bitch?
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:15pm

Sweeney Todd- Unable to breathe that is. But then my legs picked me up, as I needed to rush to the stage door. The Pillowman had a similar effect.

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

#3re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up, and sobbing like a bitch?
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:16pm

Um, L5Y left me visibly sobbing.

For me, that's saying a lot.

#4re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up, and sobbing like a bitch?
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:16pm

Grey Gardens is the closest thing for me...

#5re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up,
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:18pm

Les Miz and Miss Saigon.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel Profile Photo
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#6re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up, and sobbing like a bitch?
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:18pm

The Last 5 Years had me sobbing uncontrollably, and that was just listening to the cast recording!I've never had the pleasure of seeing it live...

#7re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up, and sobbing like a bitch?
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:20pm

Passion. I could barely get to my feet and exit the theater.

"Of course there is the castle - the ruined castle. I find it lovely. Probably because it's ruined, I suppose." - Passion

Corine2 Profile Photo
#8re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up, and sobbing like a bitch?
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:23pm

The Normal Heart
When The Color Purple was snubbed! Updated On: 5/18/06 at 10:23 PM

AnotherDay46 Profile Photo
#9re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up,
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:24pm

A couple...

Phantom, I saw Crawford and I couldn't control myself. I always feel so bad for the Phantom.

Aida, Heather's last night. I was bawling to say the least.

Last was, the Last Five Years. Oh man I love that show.

#10re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up, and sobbing like a bitch?
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:24pm

PARADE is the show I have cried more at than any other show ever.
LES MISERABLES the first time I saw it.
RENT at the I'll Cover You reprise.

...this bird is singing.

C is for Company
#12re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up,
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:25pm

Just listening to Parade full through is an emotional ride that moves me a lot. The only moment where I was tearing in the theater was the significantly sad parts of act 2 of Little Women and other than that, no really upsetting moments.

Holly Therese Profile Photo
Holly Therese
#13re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up, and sobbing like a bitch?
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:25pm

Les can you not cry?

"You know, with the right volume, Patti LuPone can make a car bounce, too...." -Wonderwaiter

#14re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up,
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:25pm

Les, that's all

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#15re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up,
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:26pm

Avenue Q also left me in a mess a tears. (From laughter that is)

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel Profile Photo
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#16re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up,
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:26pm

How could I forget Les Mis?! I've never seen it live (yet re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up, ) but man, listening to the OBCR and watching the concert, I'm ALWAYS in tears.

#17re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up,
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:28pm

I had tears streaming down my face for the entire second act of The Light In The Piazza. I'm not usually one to emote that much in public, but I couldn't control myself. I was a blubbering mess.

Updated On: 5/18/06 at 10:28 PM

aspiringguy715 Profile Photo
#18re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up,
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:29pm

The Light in the Piazza

At the end of each act.
Updated On: 5/18/06 at 10:29 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#19re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up,
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:30pm

The Normal Heart, though I didn't lose it to my emotions until after a delay of 24 hours or so.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#20re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up,
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:32pm

yeah, i was also sobbing @ the end of GREY GARDENS.
i honestly had to restrain myself from jumping on stage to try to comfort The Edies.
so many times watching the original film, ive wished i could go back in time & help them...& now here they were , alive again, right in front of me.
i was bawling weeping mess.

& i LOVED it!!!!!!!

#21re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up,
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:37pm

Metamorphosis. It was a really beautiful play.

'Take me out tonight where's there's music and there's people and they're young and alive.'

broadway86 Profile Photo
#22re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up,
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:37pm

I cried at Ragtime. I was emotionally shaken after The Pillowman, Awake and Sing!, Into the Woods, and Les Miz.

harris007 Profile Photo
#23re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up,
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:38pm

nothing yet

Attend the tale of Bovine Boy His party threads we all enjoy But does he have Mad Cow Disease? He doesn't eat beef - but cows skating? - oh please!!! With cocoa!?! And lemonade!?! The heifer-mad poster of Broadway (World)

Corine2 Profile Photo
#24re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up,
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:54pm

The day LA CAGE Closed.
I also cried when Millie closed at the Marquis.
The Marquis has produced a lot of tears.
Millie was the worst.

(When Stephanie left Avenue Q, I cried.) Updated On: 5/18/06 at 10:54 PM

#25re: Shows that left you in a mess of tears, unable to breathe nor stand up,
Posted: 5/18/06 at 10:55pm

The Light in the Piazza just struck me and couldn't stop, however, it made a nice coversation with Victoria about how she really cries every show.
