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Profile for princebratlestat

Member Name: princebratlestat
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Lestat petition save the play!!(bad musical changes
 Mar 31 2006, 02:06:06 PM

Please go to the above link!!! You must read the whole petition before signing to know just what I am talking about. I promise you once you have done so you will be mad enough to sign the petition! This way you will get your money worth and won't be ripped off!! Thee are many changes. Sometimes change is good but not in this case. It not as the same as Anne Rice’s books or alike from when "Lestat was in San Francisco. Some of the changes make the charter Lestat look like a coward and ridiculous! Do you want o waste you’re heard earned cash to se such disappointments? Of course you don’t if you already hold a ticket. Then there is only one thing to do. Sign the petition! Make your self-heard. Together we can make them change the play back to its original art form. Trust me if you don’t and just take t laying down you will get disappointed. We still have time. Lestat opens April 25th Thanks.
Kari Blunt

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