Swing Joined: 3/31/06
Please go to the above link!!! You must read the whole petition before signing to know just what I am talking about. I promise you once you have done so you will be mad enough to sign the petition! This way you will get your money worth and won't be ripped off!! Thee are many changes. Sometimes change is good but not in this case. It not as the same as Anne Rice’s books or alike from when "Lestat was in San Francisco. Some of the changes make the charter Lestat look like a coward and ridiculous! Do you want o waste you’re heard earned cash to se such disappointments? Of course you don’t if you already hold a ticket. Then there is only one thing to do. Sign the petition! Make your self-heard. Together we can make them change the play back to its original art form. Trust me if you don’t and just take t laying down you will get disappointed. We still have time. Lestat opens April 25th Thanks.
Kari Blunt
Lets make a petition so nobody writes another vampire musical. THEY DONT WORK.
Could someone please translate this into one of the languages I know?
Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Spanish, French, or English would be wonderful.
are you serious?
Kari Blunt...you smokin' a blunt?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/10/05
What's a "self-heard"? Is it a motivational technique?
And if your petition reads anything like this thread, I wouldn't give it 2 seconds of my time.
Screw world peace, let's save the play!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/5/04
"Together we can make them change the play back to its original art form."
Wait, so it used to be a work of art? I thought it was always crap?
Look, I like the show; but changes really ARE necessary to make the show better. In SF it had a lot going for it (and I enjoyed the show thoroughly) but it did have MAJOR problems in the script, book and flow of the show.
When you adapt something changes are inevitably going to happen. Thats just the way it is.
"Some of the changes make the charter Lestat look like a coward and ridiculous!"
Ah, the old Lestat charter... Brilliantly-written document, much like the original post.
Are you actually fluent in Greek (modern or ancient?), Latin, Hebrew, Spanish, and French? If so, I'm impressed. I've studied Greek but I never really got anywhere with it. One class a week, even if it's three hours long, will not do much for you, I'm afraid. I'd like to study Hebrew, sometime, if I ever get around to it.
I already spent my money and saw it. No intention of ever seeing it again.....
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/2/05
"The play is now empty and shallow and we will not stand for it." - from the end of the 'petition'.
Please save whatever repurcussion/retribution you have planned until after Monday night's performance.
Thank you,
Signed: A sane theatre-goer.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Like, shouldn't your petition say SPOILERS on it?
I actually don't think that this person has seen either version of the musical. I'm not sure if this makes the petition more or less amusing.
Chorus Member Joined: 1/1/06
Look Kari,I'm a Gi-normous Anne Rice fan ( And I did see the show in SF and mostly liked it ) But changes needed to be made. And just for the record, posting this thread here is not gonna get you anything but ridicule. Trust me. You are in enemy territory. May as well go post a " Brokeback Mountain was robbed an Oscar!" thread over at the FOXnews message boards;that's the kind of reaction you are in for.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/31/69
Save us from "Lestat" is more like it.
YAY! We haven't had a petition to save a show or cast recording in a long time. They always work.
This is the greatest post/topic I've read in weeks.
I'll sign, baby. The producers won't care about 32 signatures but 33? Things are gonna CHANGE!
I don't what I'm laughing at more...
This thread or this pettition
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/05
LOL! There should be a petition to have the show banned from Broadway as well as any stage in the world. This petition is meant to be a joke, right? It can't be serious.
"We, the undersigned vipers..."
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/05
We Vipers need a new petition to get rid of "Lestat" once and for all!
DG, is it deciphering the petition worth it (for the sake of comedy, of course)?
It was only slightly more difficult to get through than the show itself...but equally convoluted and incoherent.