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Member Name: jaredk3688
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re: Liza Minnelli Question
 Oct 25 2009, 05:25:18 PM
Was that ever put on vid?
re: Liza Minnelli Question
 Oct 25 2009, 05:12:34 PM
Thank you, very much! I'm hoping I can find a private collector who has these items.
Liza Minnelli Question
 Oct 25 2009, 04:09:39 PM
Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me locate two Liza Minnelli TV appearances? I am looking for Liza on Jack Parr where she is billed as "Dyju Langard" and also Liza's 1970 TV special for NBC-TV called "Liza".

I would really, really appreciate anyone's help. If anyone has any information on how I can track this down or interested in any Liza Minnelli trading please, please let me know. You can E-mail me at: JMK3688@BELLSOUTH.NET

re: Cortes Alexander Fan Club
 Jun 11 2009, 12:35:21 AM
There are currently new updates at the website.
Vote for Jim Caruso!
 Mar 4 2009, 03:02:10 PM
Hey everyone! Let's vote for Jim Caruso to win Genre man of the year!!!
re: Cortes Alexander Fan Club
 Jan 18 2009, 12:04:15 AM
There is a bunch of new features on Cortes Alexander Fan Club website. Check it out and become a fan club member through Yahoo :)
re: What Broadway-Related Names Would You Give Your Children?
 Jan 4 2009, 12:15:28 AM
Francis Gumm
re: Cortes Alexander Fan Club
 Jan 4 2009, 12:07:54 AM
I have no doubt that Cortes will one day be in another Broadway show :)
re: Cortes
 Jan 4 2009, 12:04:53 AM
hehe thank you
 Jan 3 2009, 10:00:03 PM
Hey everyone, I hope you've all had a Happy New Year! By now I imagine that you've all checked out the website for The Cortes Alexander Fan Club...You know, Cortes Alexander who plays Don Williams in Liza Minnelli's tribute show to her God Mother which finishes its Broadway run tomorrow at The Palace Theatre!
Well anyway I just wanted to say that real soon you will be able to join a discussion group through the website and fans will be able to discuss all the happenings in the life of Cor

Cortes Alexander Fan Club
 Dec 30 2008, 05:02:35 PM
The Cortes Alexander Fan Club

I am proud to announce that I am extremely excited to be starting the first Cortes Alexander fan club. It originally started as an idea on, as a small group to help promote Mr. Alexander’s new solo album, “Swell” which I found to be very magnificent! It was not until a little while later that I realized that there were many fans of Mr. Alexander all over the world and that he should have his own fan club.
This is going to be a great website for fans to come and find out the latest happenings in the Career of Cortes Alexander. I have many ideas that will make the fan club a fun experience for everyone. As of right now, fans can purchase tickets to see Cortes play Don Williams in the Broadway show “Liza’s at The Palace...!” Preview some videos, check out the photo gallery, (where there is a nifty picture of Cortes and me at The Palace stage door) and of course purchase a copy of the new album “Swell”.
I am also happy to say that coming later in 2009 I will be releasing a Yahoo discussion group for all Cortes fans, to come and have discussions. It is going to be amazing! So please come, support Cortes, and check out the new fan club!

Thank you,
Jared Kenwood
Creator of The Cortes Alexander Fan Club

re: My Liza's at the palace review...
 Dec 21 2008, 12:48:00 AM or itunes sells Corte's "Swell" album. It is truly amazing. He is such a talent :)

My Liza's at the palace review...
 Dec 17 2008, 03:18:17 PM
“Liza’s at the Palace...!”

December 12th show review!

The question that must be asked first is this, “Was it worth waiting at the Air Port for a delayed plane for four hours just to see this show? The answer: HELL YES!!!
It was a rough trip getting to NY from Fla. but it was all worth it!

Thursday, I arrived at Newark air port four hours later then I was suppose to and was so anxious for the next day. I woke up extremely early on Friday morning, the day of

Cortes Alexander
 Dec 10 2008, 01:58:29 AM
Hey everyone, I just wanted to say how wonderful Cortes Alexander's album called "Swell" was. It is truly a magnificent recording! If you don't know who Cortes Alexander is, he is currently on Broadway as one of the Williams Brothers in Liza's at the palace..If you have a facebook account you may like the group I've created. I've attached a link.

Liza's At The Palace...! Merchandise
 Dec 9 2008, 09:40:30 PM
Can anyone tell me what the two Liza's at The Palace T-shirts look like? ahh you know what, details on all the merchandise would be swell :) I already know what they are selling there but I'm just dying for description :)
re: Liza at the Palace...
 Oct 12 2008, 01:50:34 PM
I'm sorry... All I know is this latest update from Liza's official site.

We expect to have some EXCITING NEWS -- and some EXCITING OFFERS -- to share with Liza's fans, VERY soon. In order for you to be able to be a part of this, PLEASE DO make certain that you have JOINED the YAHOO GROUPS E-MAIL VERSION of Liza's Official Website -- -- If you haven't already.

Here is the address you'll need to go to, if you haven't subscribed already:

You may also send an e-mail requesting membership, to this e-mail address:

It is usually faster and easier to indeed VISIT the Yahoo Group website address noted above in order to become a member.

You will need to register with Yahoo, but it is free, and only takes a moment.

There is also a link on the Liza website ( at the very top of the LATEST NEWS Page (just under the photo of Liza with Pappy).

Thanks so much, everyone. Please "start spreading the news" to all the Liza fans that you know, that they SHOULD be registered through the Official website's Yahoo Group, so that they can be a part of the EXCITING OFFER that is expected to be coming along VERY SOON to those registered.

Liza at the Palace...
 Oct 12 2008, 01:25:41 PM
I'm still waiting for an update on this... GRRR!
re: OMG! I went backstage!
 Oct 12 2008, 01:16:34 PM
i met Liza Minnelli so I'm pretty much set until the next lifetime :)
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