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Member Name: ChrisLK
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re: What show would you love to do, but will never be able to?
 Jun 2 2008, 12:40:53 AM
Floyd Collins (ooooh, how I would love to do this show!)
Myths and Hymns
Assassins (wrong shade. Could you imagine a black John Wilkes Booth?)

You Know you're a B'way geek when...
 Nov 23 2006, 01:13:48 AM
Add me to the iPod thing list!

--When your friends are looking for a song from any musical, and they ask for your iPod.
--When you knew Chandra Wilson from Caroline or Change before you saw her on Grey's Anatomy.
--When you've prescribed a cure for "I love Wicked, Phantom, and Cats"-itis. (Begin with Into the Woods and Rent, at least, proceed to Ave Q and maybe Urinetown. Sweeney and Sunday come later.)

re: Anastasia The Musical
 Jul 29 2006, 04:42:08 PM
Wow, what a group! I didn't know anything about the ensemble. Anyway, I would love to see a theatrical production of it, although it presents the same old technical problems as all movie adaptations, and the bad guy is rather un-musical. And I'd feel bad for whoever would play Sophie; she'd be compared to Bernadette. But I'm always up for a chance to hear some more Ahrens and Flarhety music, and "Once Upon A December" is an excellent song. I'd love to see a production of it!
re: Songs That Could Pass For 'Non-Show Tunes'
 Jul 29 2006, 04:27:58 PM
Well, of course, there are those that ARE non-show tunes, Aretha Franklin's cover of Somewhere, for example.

Besides that, a good deal of MJL could pass for non-show tunes (I suppose some could be confused with non-theatrical art songs), though I'm not sure your friends would like those any better if they don't like theater music in general. Some pieces from Adam Guettel's Myths and Hymns, "Icarus" in particular, are a goood example of a little bit of both words.

Other musica

re: 06-07 Musical Season
 Jul 29 2006, 12:39:15 AM
This season seems to have all the hallmarks of a good season: A stellar star turn (Christine Ebersole), showings from newer writers (Legally Blonde, Grey Gardens), and more established writers (Pirate Queen, Curtains, albeit posthumously), and some potentially stellar revivals (Chorus Line, Company).

I think if even half of this seasons musicals deliver on their promise, then this will be a stellar season.

And it's a very diverse line up, so there's something for almost everyon

re: Which plays should NEVER be turned into a musical.
 Jul 17 2006, 05:00:07 AM
I think I'd find it hard to musicalize Tennessee Williams, because his plays put so much out there. It's hard to think of a way to enlarge his scenes with music, though it'd be interesting to try.
re: What's the most embarrassing thing that happened to you on stage?
 Jul 17 2006, 04:47:38 AM
Sorry... another high school story.

So, we were doing this rather hilarious farce entitled "Lily The Felon's Daughter" in which I played a British gentleman who goes off to Alaska at the end of the second act, and returns at the end of the third in a hilariously gigantic fur coat. Now, I was already rather notorious with our school's head costume mom, but this took the cake. I guess I had just forgotten that I went on near the end of the second act, and took the oppertunity to change co

 Jul 8 2006, 12:03:21 AM
Marie Christine, but that wouldn't happen in a million years. (love MJL, but talk about difficult! On the other hand, if someone adapted it, but pulled an Evita and substituted Audra for some pop star it could be hilarious)

I agree jam man, concept musicals wouldn't work on screen. That's one of the many things that theater can pull of that movies just can't.

Personally, I want a Light in the Piazza movie sometime in the future, so that it can star Audra McDonald.

re: Most overwhelming audience reaction?
 Jul 3 2006, 12:36:41 AM
Ah, I must concur on the Norbert moons the audience one. That got a big reaction, as did all of Ruprecht and Great Big Stuff. My personal most overwhelming reaction was at the end of Fable, when Patti (I saw it on a Tuesday) sang "Love! Love if you can..." That was excellent!
re: The 'LIGHT' goes out!
 Jul 3 2006, 12:13:31 AM
What an amazing, touching, beautiful show. It was the first show I've ever seen in New York, and I could not have picked a better one.

Farewell, Piazza.

re: perfect roles for stars
 Jul 2 2006, 12:07:19 AM
Nathan Lane as Tevye is a good one!

-Mary Testa as Domina in Forum, but that already happened.
-Norbert Leo Butz as Bobby in Company
-Audra McDonald as anyone in anything. (And her Mergaret would be magnificent!)

I'll probably think of some more later...

re: The A-Z broadway game
 Jun 30 2006, 05:34:16 PM
Evening Primrose (Does that count?)
re: The A-Z broadway game
 Jun 30 2006, 01:16:57 PM
Skipping Q, unless someone can think of one:


re: Catchiest score ever?
 Jun 30 2006, 01:15:55 PM
It's definitely not the catchiest overall score, but I couldn't get that main theme from the Prolouge of Into the Woods out of my head forever.

Chorus Line is definitely right up there for me, and Wicked is a little too catchy for it's own good.

re: The A-Z broadway game
 Jun 30 2006, 01:08:46 PM
Mack and Mabel
re: The A-Z broadway game
 Jun 30 2006, 01:06:11 PM
John & Jen

EDIT: Oops, I posted too late.

re: Piazza Similar to Sweeney?
 Jun 28 2006, 01:30:14 AM
Well, the little vamp just before Clara begins to sing in Say it Somehow is extremely common, so that probably has something to do with it, but I'd definitely say Guettel was influenced by Sondheim. I mean, it's pretty much impossible to write musicals these days and not have SOME Sondheim influence (unless you write in the ALW school).

But yes, the first two bars in the printed version of Say It Somehow are extremely similar to the bars leading into the words "Nothing's gonna harm yo

re: Who Else Has This Problem....
 Jun 22 2006, 01:23:39 AM
I can't sing at auditions at all. I also have the "someone else is better" complex, especially when it comes to singing. I'm a decent musician, but my whole concept of pitch (and staying on-key) generally goes out of the window at auditions, which is gigantic problem if I'm ever going to be a professional actor. I'm a lot better when it comes to acting, although I'm usually nervous at the beginning of a monolouge or scene, and I relax as I get into the character.

re: Favorite Sondheim
 Jun 22 2006, 01:16:34 AM
Sunday in the Park with George, unquestionably. I do have an affection for Into the Woods, especially Last Midnight. Outside of those two, the Sondheim I like most depends on what kind of mood I'm in, and what I've listened to most recently.

re: Fun Broadway/Theatre sayings/quotes
 Jun 22 2006, 01:12:50 AM
"And they love me, and I love them, and they love me for loving them, and I love them for loving me, because none of us got enough love in our childhoods... and that's show biz!" From Chicago. I think I got most of that quote right.

Oh, and "Putting It Together".

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