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Member Name: newyorkrbust
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Gender: Female
Location: Not NYC.....yet
Occupation: Student

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re: N2N, In the Heights or Hair?
 May 21 2009, 01:35:04 PM
I think it just depends on what you're into. I saw In the heights and loved it!! I'm going to see N2N in like 2 weeks and I'm so excited b/c it looks amazing and the music is it the original cast. Personally (ok people that was a disclaimer so don't scream at me)I would never go see Hair. The music that I've heard and the reviews and what I know about the story (and even what people say on here) is that its more like a rock concert than a broadway play. it doesn't really have a
 May 21 2009, 01:18:10 PM
Sweeney Todd-2
Chorus Line-10

re: Planning a NY trip
 May 20 2009, 01:08:16 PM
I personally like Shrek. Whether I'd see that instead of other shows...I don't know. Next to Normal is amazing!! And Lin Manuel-Miranda (Wrote/starred in In the heights) translated some of West Side Story to Spanish. I haven't seen it, but I've heard mixed reveiws.
TGMTC- Jason Robert Brown vs Jonathan Larson
 May 20 2009, 01:02:25 PM
Jason Robert Brown-9
Jonathon Larson- 9

re: Celebrate the Music of Disney: Josh Groban, Butler, Pascal & more!
 Jan 2 2009, 10:59:46 PM
You don't think they will be really really nice and put this on a cd for us do you? Or even just itunes?
re: BWW Radio Isn't Working for Me
 Jan 2 2009, 10:53:44 PM
I'm not quite sure what BWW Radio is. I'm assuming it's an online broadway radio. If that's what it is and you're having problems with it, I highly suggest trying I found it a little while back and it's amazing. It's like an infinite Broadway playlist that you can divide by decade or composer. And you can skip songs too. I'm sure people already know about this, but I'm just throwing it out there :)
re: The shows you wish you had seen this year
 Dec 29 2008, 07:53:04 PM
Spring Awakening...Before JG left.
re: The New Nederlander Theatre
 Dec 29 2008, 07:51:20 PM
I know they have a wall backstage somewhere where everyone that has ever been in RENT and JL and a bunch of other people have signed and written notes. I wonder if they will keep that?
re: Rent Tour Cast Announced
 Dec 28 2008, 07:08:04 PM

I know everyone is entitled to their (not bad) opinion but, really?
How can you people complain about the cast? It closed on Broadway and we as rentheads are being given a last chance to see it and everyone is whining about the cast?

My opinion...if anyone cares.

I saw Adam and Anthony when they came back last year and they were AMAZING! And unless they have aged 30 years since 2007 they are in no way too old to be reprising their roles. Jus

re: You Know You Love Musicals When...
 Dec 28 2008, 06:24:32 PM
When you wait all year for 9pm Christmas eve just so you can text all your friends "December 24th 9pm Eastern Standard Time. From here on in I shoot without a script, see if anything comes of it instead of my old s**t."
re: Rent Review (Spoilers)
 Sep 29 2008, 01:28:00 PM
Let me start out by saying I'm not complaining at all!! I am soooo happy to finally have Rent where I can watch it whenever i want when it comes on DVD however......

I did not like that Roger. He seemed very hostile and angry, very unroger like. He had a good voice, but not a "roger" voice. In my opinion, he was not suited for that part.

Mimi-Same scenario. Nice voice, not a bad actress, just didn't get that "mimi" vibe.

Collins- I've always been partial to Jesse L. M

re: So It's Been 4 Years since Aida Closed
 Sep 5 2008, 01:44:47 PM
I'm never going to leave Eygpt again!!
re: If RENT is capable of closing?
 Sep 5 2008, 01:43:51 PM
Wicked is good, but I don't think its worth all the hype it gets. I doubt it will surpass Phantom.
re: Broadway Crush?
 Sep 5 2008, 01:40:51 PM
I have lots...The obvious ones...Jonathon Groff, Wilson Jermaine Heredia and Adam Pascal. I also LOVE Justin Johnston (Angel in Rent) and Robin de Jesus (Sonny in In the Heights)
re: So It's Been 4 Years since Aida Closed
 Sep 5 2008, 01:38:39 PM
I saw an ad in Backstage that they are looking for people to be in an AIDA in Virginia Beach, which isn't too far from where I live. I can't wait to see it.
re: IF you had to steal ONE THING from a Broadway show...
 Jul 29 2008, 01:15:09 PM

Angel's red fluffy jacket-Rent

re: How is the current cast of WICKED?
 Jul 29 2008, 01:05:35 PM
I haven't seen the new Elphaba, but everyone else is amazing. I love the girl who plays Galinda.
Fan mail??
 Jul 29 2008, 11:07:43 AM
If I wanted to send a letter to an actor in a show, would I send it to the theatre with their name on it?
Does anyone know...
 Jul 14 2008, 04:41:20 PM
How long In The Heights is? counting intermission? like what time does let out?
re: Help a newbie with some Broadway tunes....
 Jul 14 2008, 01:48:54 PM
My personal favorites are

Rent, In the heights, Spring Awakening, and Miss Saigon.

WIth In the Heights and Miss Saigon, if you listen to them all the way through, you'll pretty much get the story. for any storylines, just google "{{name of show}} synopsis"

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