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Profile for RumTumJM

Member Name: RumTumJM
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Chess 2025
 Feb 12 2025, 05:37:41 PM

Kad said: "RumTumJM said: "rburton66 said: "Tim Rice says Chess is“coming back to Broadway, believe it or not, this autumn.”

I hate to say this, but I fear that this interview may have been conductedBEFORE the producers put the show on indefinitie hiatus.

...and nobody thought to, uh, revise his statements?

Valid point! I just made that statement/assumption, because I feel like I've seen that type of scenario before. (But, then again, I've probably seen that scenario before, because an article or 2 indicated that a statement has since been proven false, by recent developments. Clearly, such a clarification wasn't present here.)

Either way, I'm rooting for the show. I, like so many of you, want to see it badly.

Chess 2025
 Feb 12 2025, 10:05:20 AM

rburton66 said: "Tim Rice says Chess is“coming back to Broadway, believe it or not, this autumn.”

I hate to say this, but I fear that this interview may have been conducted BEFORE the producers put the show on indefinitie hiatus.

Dead Outlaw On-Sale Dates
 Jan 20 2025, 05:03:00 PM

Since I know MANY on this board have been anxious to hear this info, I figured I'd post it here:

  • 24 hour presale begins Wednesday 1/22. - You need to go to the website & sign up, to be able to partake.
  • General onsale begins on Thursday 1/33

City Centers 24-25: Ragtime, Urinetown, LaChiusa's Wild Party, Love Life
 Jan 15 2025, 07:19:37 PM

Is it true that they are hoping for a Broadway transfer & might even be looking for a theater, already?

Just In Time
 Jan 14 2025, 08:45:58 PM

Lawrence was set to perform on Long Island in late March. (I think it was actually the day before previews begin.) - That show has since been rescheudled for Halloween night.

Safe to assume, then, that Gracie only signed a 6 month contract?

The Gunshots/Loud Noises/Startling Moments Report (Spoilers Galore)
 Jan 13 2025, 10:20:29 PM

Just saw Aladdin, a few days ago. Figured I'd give a "report" on the loud noise-front & leave it here, should it benefit anyone else.

The show doesn't have any gunshots or anything like that.

Most of the pyrotechnics occur right before & during the Friend Like Me production number. None of those pyro "blasts" make much noise, if any noise. (At worst you hear a few subtle "cracks" or "pops".) There is one o

Just In Time
 Jan 9 2025, 07:59:12 PM

batchels said: "Gracie Lawrence and Erika Henningsen were just announced via the shows text feed joining the cast as Connie Francis and Sandra Dee respectively."

Gracie Lawrence as in the girl from that band Lawrence? (If so, she's a hoot & got quite the voice. Saw Lawrence opening for The Rolling Stones in May.)


Congestion pricing
 Jan 5 2025, 08:12:37 PM

My fear is that Broadway will be hurt (and I'm choosing my wording carefully) by the way that costs will likely go up, due to the congestion pricing, and Broadway's likely desire to "pass the burden on to the customers", as I think so many businesses will do.

My understanding is that trucks and business vehicles will have a higher toll than passenger cars, around $25 bucks. So, any truck bringing merchandise, sets, whatever, will have to pay that price. And,

Loud Noises/Gunshots In ALADDIN & OUTSIDERS
 Dec 30 2024, 07:57:36 PM

TotallyEffed said: "Jasmine does carry aroundan AK47 but never actually fires it, much to Chekhov’s annoyance."

Oh! Interesting! - When did they have Ivo Van Hove reenvision the show? (HAHAHA!)


Loud Noises/Gunshots In ALADDIN & OUTSIDERS
 Dec 28 2024, 10:50:08 PM

Sorry if this has been discussed before. (I couldn't find any other threads.)

Any gunshot-like sound effects or similar startling moments in ALADDIN or OUTSIDERS. - I know there is pyro in Friend Like Me, but based upon the bootleg videos I've seen, none of that seems too loud, especially when the music is playing. Also, I know there are flame-like pryo effects in Outsiders & a loud train sound effect. Besides that, anything worth knowing, for either show, if one is a

 Nov 1 2024, 06:05:01 PM

Anything for Back To The Future?

Why Do Shows Let So Many Seats Go Unsold?
 Oct 29 2024, 09:47:31 PM

Broadway61004 said: "RumTumJM said: "Why not drop the prices a bit more, if not...dare I say it...a lot? Wouldn't it be better to sell a ticket for $50, rather than let it go unsold, at this point in time.

Simply put, "What's the strategy, here?" - "What am I missing?"

Because then why would anyone buy tickets in advance? If they know the production is going to sell whatever is left at 6:00 for $50, why would they

Why Do Shows Let So Many Seats Go Unsold?
 Oct 29 2024, 06:07:40 PM

It's currently 6:02p. - Out of curisoity, I checked out what's available for Back To The Future's next performance & what the prices are.

It turns out that the next show is tonight's show, which starts in just under 90 minutes from now. - Surprisingly, at least 50% of the center mezzanine hasn't been sold and are still available for $119-$149.

So, my big question is: What happens to those tickets, then? They just go unsold? (I assume that rus

 Oct 23 2024, 12:38:02 AM

Something just dawned on me!

Since this & Back To The Future are currently playing, that means Robert Zemeckis has two of his movies on Broadway at the same time!

That's almost as crazy as The Power Of Love being feaured in two muscials playing on Broadway, at the same time, a few monnths ago!

Bio-Musicals: Why So Many
 Oct 23 2024, 12:22:37 AM

darquegk said: "The classic rock acts of the late 1960s to mid 1980s, the titans you’re thinking of: a good number of them either don’t have the musical variety and catalog depth to be good onstage (Bob Marley’s music is too groove oriented to be a classically structured musical), or they don’t particularly care to license yet (if Across the Universe could legally be staged, believe me, it would be).

The third option is the ones who are holding onto

Bio-Musicals: Why So Many "Oldies" Acts & Not More "Classic Rock" Ones?
 Oct 22 2024, 07:40:04 PM

As great as shows like Jersey Boys Beautiful are, I often wonder why producers/show writers don't start venturing into the world of "classic rock" for their next shows. (I think of acts like The 4 Seasons, Neil Diamond, Carole King & Bobby Darin as "oldies" ones, as iconic as they are.)

Considering the sucess of movies like Bohemian Rhapsody & Rocketman, why are they no

Just In Time
 Oct 21 2024, 11:02:48 AM

For those who are concerned about such things, the Telecharge page says that the show uses a gunshot sound effect.

Obviously, we won't know until March whether they're referring to blank(s) or soundboard effect(s). But, I suspect it has to do with the aforementioned assassination of RFK.

Broadway Rumors/Whispers
 Jul 6 2024, 05:58:07 PM

Any Chess updates? (Or is that, basically, a dead idea, now?)

Gunshots/Pyrotechnics/Loud Noises in ALADDIN & THE OUTSIDERS
 Jun 24 2024, 05:24:09 PM

Thanks for the insight everyone!

As for Aladdin: I found a slime tutorial (LOL!) on YouTube & scanned it. - It seems like the only pyro is in the Friend Like Me song, and just about all of that is more or less silent (maybe little POPs). - Otherwise, standard thunder sounds effects and the like don't seem to worry me too much! 

As for The Outsiders: I don't mind an overall loud, intense fire scene. It's more the sudden and abrupt "jolt" that comes

Gunshots/Pyrotechnics/Loud Noises in ALADDIN & THE OUTSIDERS
 Jun 23 2024, 10:49:03 PM

BentleyB said: "I am assuming that you don’t have the ability to get information from Telecharge or Wikipedia? Wikipedia gives a point by point recap of the Outsiders at just a quick glance. I don’t understand these continued questions when the information is at your fingertips already. If you are that triggered, I would stay far away from The Outsiders."

Thanks for the insight. 

I was thinking of going to see the Outsiders, but I'll recon

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