From what I can tell, Masquerade was the only one cut from the actual album that we heard (which is a shame because I think that was my favorite one). Holly's first song (which is the first song we hear) I believe was called Drive which I don't think was mentioned in the cut songs list, and Diana's song where she played piano was the one that she refused to cut verses out of so I think it's safe to assume that made the album (as of the end of the play at least), and the one with all three of them recording backup vocals was the one that Grover's listening to again at the end so that probably also means it's on the album. The only one I'm unsure about is the one Diana sings at the top of act 2 when she has trouble hitting the high note, since I don't think that was ever given a name. (I think there were other song snippets but these are the ones I remember most clearly--I wonder how they'll record the cast album given the snippets/adjustments they were doing throughout the show