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Member Name: txbeachie
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re: Jesus Christ Superstar - the best recording???
 Apr 8 2009, 12:25:38 AM
The original concept album is by far the best. The recording quality may not be what we get today, but the passion and the grit of it is wonderful. Not to mention ALW's father plays on it and it has the original Moog synthesizer. My next choice would be the original Bway. Ben Vereen is amazing as Judas!

I don't like the movie version. Ian Gillian is way better than Ted Neely ever was!

I think the modern revivals are too slick.

Too much JCSS geekdom from me!

re: Dolly Parton: Composer?
 Dec 23 2008, 02:29:58 AM
The woman is about more than wigs! She is an amazing musician and I am quite sure she wrote the songs herself.
re: The Producers add libs
 Nov 7 2006, 03:33:22 PM
The night we saw it in 2001 (I think) the set wouldn't clear off the stage after the courtroom scene. They kept going into the ending, but behind them there were techies in t-shirts and shorts trying to get the wagons to move. They were trying to bring in the backdrop, but the set was in the way.

Finally, Nathan Lane started ad libbing like crazy and the crowd went crazy. I loved it. It was nice to see that the show wasn't so polished that it was canned!

re: You Know It's Community Theatre When...
 Oct 27 2006, 03:50:57 PM
You realize that love of theatre can be spread into the world in many forms.

And when you realize that you got people out from in front of their televisions and away from The Bachelor or The Amazing Race for one night and into a live theater!

re: Snarkiest Tony Award acceptance speech?
 Oct 14 2006, 07:07:51 PM
I believe he also won another one and just went up with a very curt "thank you" and walked off. Lots of talent...not much on social skills!
re: Best Performer to Ever Grace Broadway
 Oct 14 2006, 07:04:18 PM
I've got to say Lithgow may not be the best of all time, but he's up there. Not just for musicals... the guy can rip your guts out with dramas! M Butterfly and Requiem for a Heavyweight were amazing!
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