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re: Casualties Of Love! - THE WEDDING SINGER appreciation thread 2
 Dec 11 2006, 10:19:38 PM
i talk to myself on this thing.
re: Casualties Of Love! - THE WEDDING SINGER appreciation thread 2
 Dec 11 2006, 12:31:10 AM
19 days 23 hours 34 min until the day of the final showing of TWS. i cant believe it. however, i guess Richard Blake fans won't have to worry...he will be Warner in the upcoming "Legally Blonde".
re: Spring Awakening Reviews
 Dec 11 2006, 12:23:46 AM
I am sad I missed opening night. Had the chance to see it a week ago and I am seeing it again next Sunday. This show has me distracted from whatever else is happening on Broadway, besides the closing of TWS. I have been telling everyone I know about this show. I'm not one to base an opinion on another's review. I feel as though I must see something for myself in order to judge it. I could care less if others disagree with my liking the show. It entertains me, it moves me and it leaves me
re: The Homestretch for SPRING AWAKENING
 Dec 7 2006, 12:44:09 AM
munk--i cannot put my finger on a specific reason. it could be that i relate so closely to SO MANY of the characters. it could be that Melchoir did NOT take the easy way out. i interpreted his decision to go forward as his realization that in order to build the world he so looked forward to, he needed to live. i just thought there was beauty in his strength. i was drawn into the lives of the characters and wanted to make sure i was there to see how each life played out. i am seeing it two
re: Casualties Of Love! - THE WEDDING SINGER appreciation thread 2
 Dec 3 2006, 11:38:15 PM
strange thing stomach sank to hear Spencer is back. i have missed him SOOO much. he has come a long way since i first met him back in 2003 on his first cruise contract or better yet since he was an 8 year old in the bette midler movie, Gypsy. looking forward to seeing the original cast all back together for the final show. parting is such sweet sorrow.
re: The Homestretch for SPRING AWAKENING
 Dec 3 2006, 11:15:14 PM
i saw the show today and it brought me to tears during the final number. i was sobbing! not one show has done that since my first RENT show. i think anything is possible by way of awarding pure genius like this!!!
re: Casualties Of Love! - THE WEDDING SINGER appreciation thread 2
 Nov 29 2006, 10:40:38 PM
oh, i am going to be really sad too when this show closes. i was sad when my friend Spencer left the cast to film the new Hairspray movie and now, well, it is all coming to an end. thank god for Christmas and my mom buying me tickets for the FINAL show. im going to cry....seriously. then i am going to wash away my sorrows with alcohol and celebrate the new year. who else is seeing the show closing day??? anyone, anyone...hoping to meet some of you.
You Know you're a B'way geek when...
 Nov 23 2006, 01:16:23 PM
Let's see...

--when the bumper sticker on your car says "i (heart) showtunes"
--you have another right next to it that says "DANGER: driver singing"
--you sing showtunes at the top of your lungs no matter where you are and proceed to also do the dance
--you searched for the perfect wig just to be Tracy Turnblad for halloween...and no one knew who you were, except maybe two people
--your idea of a good time is arriving in NYC at the butt crack of dawn to stand in line for

re: Casualties Of Love! - THE WEDDING SINGER appreciation thread 2
 Nov 23 2006, 01:09:49 PM
Is anyone else going to TWS on NYE for the final show? My mom got me tickets for Christmas and had to tell me early so that I could make final plans...please tell me there are more WedHeads out there braving the city that day to cry with me...
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