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Member Name: cbragg07
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re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 27 2007, 12:25:55 AM
Goodnight all, let's hope we wake up to news of the strike's end and not another week of cancelations or more negotiations. If they need to sleep, they should take shifts Anway, here's hoping! You guys have been a blast. :)
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 27 2007, 12:11:00 AM
Day 18: League and Stagehands Union Continue Talking
how boring

re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 11:53:56 PM
you're really diggin those t-shirts, aren't you lakezurich? I almost made one for Gideon Glick that said "I was seduced by Hanschen...and all I got was this lousy t-shirt". A little of topic, sorry.

re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 11:37:36 PM
haha, Spring Awakening. They could make the on stage audience do it, or just incorporate it into the dance moves
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 11:24:20 PM
I will mop the stage if it'll end this strike. haha
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 11:15:31 PM
I don't seem to get any freaking national news here in Iowa! CNN is just talking about politics, and no other station here does national news. Stupid. I'm still hopeful though!
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 10:05:33 PM
So, who thinks that there's a chance that they've worked things out already and were just meeting tonight to wrap things up? *looks hopeful*
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 09:04:14 PM
I can't see what the link is. It says I'm not authorized.
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 06:41:17 PM
So, have negotiations started up again? yet?
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 12:23:32 AM
who's sleeping?

re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 12:06:55 AM
How boring
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 25 2007, 11:59:55 PM
haha, what's gonna happen at mignight?
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 25 2007, 11:40:36 PM
I agree, let's all sing. If this ends, I'm gonna cry. If this DOESN'T end...I'm gonna cry.
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 25 2007, 11:19:51 PM
I kind of have the feeling that if I don't find out right away tomorrow morning...I won't be going to either of my classes hehe
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 25 2007, 11:13:00 PM
For some reason, I still feel like I can't go to bed yet.
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 25 2007, 11:12:59 PM
For some reason, I still feel like I can't go to bed yet.
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 25 2007, 10:54:23 PM
oh, everyone is leaving and I was about to introduce myself. I'm Caitlin, I've kinda just been reading, felt like I should say hi. :)
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