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Member Name: xanado_girl
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re: What are you listening to right now?
 Jan 22 2005, 03:24:54 PM
Songs for a New World, Baby, L5Y, & Rent are in heavy rotation right now but I like to mix it up with a little Zanna & Wicked every once in a while.
re: Senior Project
 Jan 6 2005, 05:13:59 PM
Songs for a New World
bwayworld radio not working?
 Dec 3 2004, 03:23:50 PM
anyone else having trouble with it?
re: Auditioning for childrens theatre...
 Nov 29 2004, 11:10:45 AM
Thank you SO SO much. Tons of good karma for you!! It's so nice to know that people who don't even know eachother would help one another! What a nice sentiment right before the holidays. Thanks again.
re: Auditioning for childrens theatre...
 Nov 28 2004, 02:40:31 PM
Thanks SO much! That sounds like a good one.
Auditioning for childrens theatre...
 Nov 26 2004, 02:29:54 PM
I have an audition for a production of Pinocchio. Does anyone know any good monologues for childrens theatre auditions? I don't want to use anything too serious or classical because it's for kids but I'm at a loss.
Anyone have any thoughts on this?

re: Radio
 Nov 22 2004, 04:51:34 PM
Same here. I can open the player but it just tells me that its "ready" but when I press play it never starts.
re: Favorite Story Songs
 Nov 21 2004, 04:06:45 PM
I second "Taylor the Latte Boy"! I also enjoy "And They're Off" from A New Brain and most of the songs from Elegies.
re: Quick question about cover letters! Please Help!
 Nov 15 2004, 02:21:43 AM
Thanks for the help. I'm not doing a mass mailing but I don't know the name of the agent who will be handling the show. Oh well, it has to be mailed by tomorrow so I think I will just do a "to whom it way concern" and hope for the best. I'm sort of doing this on a whim anyhow so I won't be totally dissapointed if they do throw it away. Heck, it's worth a shot.
Thanks again!

Quick question about cover letters! Please Help!
 Nov 14 2004, 08:59:03 PM
If I am sending a resume to a casting agency but do not know the specific agents name who should I address the cover letter to?

Dear Casting Agent:

Dear (casting agency):

or simply
To whom it may concern:

sorry if this is a dumb question I am just starting out in the business. Thanks in advance!

re: what shows you what on cd
 Nov 14 2004, 12:59:52 AM
Summer of 42
re: Your Embarassing Theatrical Moments
 Nov 14 2004, 12:53:47 AM
I was the Mayor's Wife in a production of Bye Bye Birdie. I was supposed to faint into my husbands arms when Birdie sang to me. Well I fainted and my husband forgot that he was supposed to catch me and lay me down gently on the stairs. He dropped me and I made a ridiculously loud thud and to top it all off my dress flew up and I didn't realize it. So I layed there with my dress up and legs open(as choreographed) for the rest of the scene! I heard some of the cast laughing on stage and had no i
re: musical theater/colleges
 Nov 8 2004, 02:23:36 PM
I suggest that you look @ Emerson College in Boston. They have great programs in theatre and communications. And they encourage students to double major and make their own majors. I'm transfering there next year and would definately recommend looking into it.
re: What Show/Recording would you love to see a revival of?
 Nov 8 2004, 02:19:41 PM
I second A Chorus Line! And I would love to see Summer of 42 revived so that they could finally release a recording of the whole show!
re: 'The Opposite of Sex': Get In and Shut Up -- This Girl is Taking You o
 Oct 12 2004, 11:19:20 PM
I saw the second preview performance (the night they filmed the footage for the online clip) and liked it alot. However, it is just getting started and they definately have alot of work to do to get it ready for NYC. I think they will probably cut some of the songs and make quite a few revisions. I acknowlege that this show is not be for everyone, it is probably best suited for off-broadway. I have a feeling that it will have some major fans but not find wide spread success (similar to the s
re: Britney Spears has seen Wicked!
 Oct 6 2004, 12:02:24 PM
I thought this thread title was a joke! I thought it was intended to be ironic since there has been so much discussion about pop stars and broadway. :)
re: Broadway actors who you wish had solo albums
 Oct 4 2004, 12:06:56 AM
Norbert Leo Butz and Norm Lewis-I could listen to them sing for ever!
re: BROADWAY: THE GOLDEN AGE Coming To DVD November 9th!
 Oct 3 2004, 02:29:31 PM
I saw this movie in San Francisco a couple weeks ago and Rick spoke before the film. It was such a great experience! I can't wait for the DVD & the sequel to be released. I was so moved when I watched this movie, it really did remind me why I'm dedicating my life to this buisness.
re: picture now?
 Oct 3 2004, 01:42:42 AM
Mine is a picture from the SF run of The Opposite of Sex w/ Kerry Butler. I just saw it this week and loved it!
re: Cast Recordings you listen to just about everyday
 Oct 2 2004, 03:09:38 PM
The Last 5 Years, Wicked, and Side Show are in major rotation right now. RENT was in there but my sister & I had co-ownership & she took it with her when she left for college & I haven't replaced it yet.
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