2024, 09:21:34 PM
gibsons2 said: "Droves of people are trying to sell their tickets for this on Theatr app after just one performance..."
I think I was the first person to sell mine there after the first preview!
2024, 11:41:07 PM
Lordy, looks like my weekend just opened up... once I flip some tickets.
Is May 22
2024, 12:44:34 AM
Doesn't the fact that you saw an example of something this week disprove it being gone forever? Like, you just saw it. It is obviously still here.
Back to the Future Lottery 5/18/24 8pm May 17
2024, 01:40:11 PM
Also easy to flip extra lottery tickets on the Theatr app.
Dave Malloy's THREE HOUSES at Signature Apr 30
2024, 07:32:17 PM
Anyone going tonight? Need details! ;-)
farewell Kimmy! Apr 28
2024, 05:43:27 PM
Had tickets for today, but saw it twice last month, just seemed excessive, so sold today's tix.
Any speeches or anything at curtain?
Cole Escola is Mary Todd Lincoln in OH, MARY! Off-Broadway Feb 16
2024, 05:38:56 PM
The wheelchair seating is the front row, so has to be room for them to get in and out easily.
Boy George in MR Feb 9
2024, 04:52:52 PM
Is Boy George appearing in multiple shows on Broadway? That would seem to focus us in on one specific show.
Cole Escola is Mary Todd Lincoln in OH, MARY! Off-Broadway Feb 7
2024, 05:29:43 PM
Leaf Coneybear said: "As a huge Abraham Lincoln nerd, I've decided to fly in in a few weeks purely for this. So excited!"
Hopefully you're not hoping to learn anything... ;-)
DOUBT 2024 Previews Feb 5
2024, 05:40:27 PM
bwayphreak234 said: "This is an interesting one for me. I love this play, and I loved the original production with Cherry Jones that I saw on tour back in 2006. That being said, this production is passable, but is very “safe” in all aspects for lack of a better word.."
Saw Jones as well, and even after all these years, doesn't seem like I need a revisit. Still too soon?!
Cole Escola is Mary Todd Lincoln in OH, MARY! Off-Broadway Feb 5
2024, 04:47:40 PM
Caught this earlier than anticipated, so got to use the discount code mentioned earlier, and had a great time. Inadvertently saw three alcohol-related shows (White Chip before, Days of Wine and Roses after), but such a blast at this one.
Naked Boys Singing has closed Feb 2
2024, 06:07:16 PM
dramamama611 said: "Hater! Long time no see! Hoping all is well with you."
Doing fine. Just realized this site is NOT blocked by my latest employer whereas so many other things are, heh.
Still attend lots of things and visit NYC far too often, but less concerned about writing/commenting about it all that much. Hope all is well with you, too.
Naked Boys Singing has closed Jan 31
2024, 06:02:18 PM
Last time I saw it, there was no acknowledgment of who the cast members even were. Just anonymous people with rent to pay...
Chita Rivera has died Jan 30
2024, 03:18:25 PM
Aww, got to see her a few times, most recently in The Visit, and was awaiting her BCEFA Spiderwoman ornament to arrive...
2024, 01:30:05 PM
Can't imagine seeing BTTF a second time, but hey, more people seeing that, less people competing for rush/lottery for the other shows ;-)
Cole Escola is Mary Todd Lincoln in OH, MARY! Off-Broadway Jan 30
2024, 01:11:20 PM
Thanks, trying to go on 2/17, so that doesn't work that far out...
JRB's THE CONNECTOR at MCC will star Scott Bakula, Jessica Molaskey, Ben Levi Ross, & more Jan 30
2024, 01:10:03 PM
Ptero2 said: "Front row center was great IMO (with usual caveats about needing to crane your neck up)."
Phew! Thanks!
JRB's THE CONNECTOR at MCC will star Scott Bakula, Jessica Molaskey, Ben Levi Ross, & more Jan 30
2024, 12:11:57 PM
UWS10023 said: "I have to say that front row partial view was definitely partial view. I have sat in many partial view seats over the years in various New York Theaters and my view from the seat for this particular production was the most obstructive. The frustrating thing was that it could have been corrected by some slight set piece adjustments that would not have compromised anything for the rest of the house. The production design was very chilly and the set design was symmetrica
Cole Escola is Mary Todd Lincoln in OH, MARY! Off-Broadway Jan 30
2024, 12:05:34 PM
Anyone know of any discount codes? Not seeing anything, not on TDF...
Josh Gad & Andrew Rannells to star in GUTENBERG! THE (BEST) MUSICAL (EVER) Sep 5
2023, 11:38:57 PM
Anyone know if they sell the box seats at the box office yet?