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Member Name: broadwayfan3
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re: The orchestra at the tonys.
 Jun 20 2008, 02:50:06 AM
No, not true. The orchestra is still live - they're just located off-stage. Certain portions may be pre-recorded for logistics, but I know there's still a live orchestra for the show.
re: Legally Blonde understudies
 Dec 17 2007, 05:03:59 AM
Re: Gaelen - yes, I agree she was trying to copy a lot of Orfeh's performance. She didn't really get the Boston accent down - it sounded forced so when she'd deliver lines that really required the accent (14 years, for example), it seemed out of the blue. I agree with those who say the understated performance made me realize how little substance there is in that character and her relationship with Elle - it's only worked for me in the past because of Orfeh's over-the-top delivery.


re: Legally Blonde understudies
 Dec 16 2007, 10:47:58 PM
OMG it was understudies galore tonight. Matt on as Warner, Tracy as Vivienne, Gaelen as Paulette, Becky as Serena, Cara as Mom, Jason as Kyle/Dewey, etc. etc. etc.

I think Tracy belted the high notes, though I don't remember. Maybe someone else who was there can answer. Sorry!

Gaelen was disappointing - I love her in her normal tracks, but as Paulette, she was kind of blah. Tracy was an ok Vivienne, but she didn't command the stage as much as Kate does. Matt was vocally in

re: Legally Blonde understudies
 Oct 25 2007, 12:01:57 AM
Yeah. I thought it was strange. She puts it on and wiggles her finger while admiring the ring. (they're definitely not the center of attention when this occurs... it just happened to catch my eye).
re: Legally Blonde understudies
 Oct 24 2007, 11:51:27 PM
Becky was great as Elle tonight - this is my 2nd time seeing her in the role and she seemed much more confident. And it's so refreshing to hear the last note of Act 1 performed well.

Kevin was so-so as Callahan. He didn't "wow" me.

I really liked Cara as Serena. She has a lot of sass - and a great voice to boot! She came off as a older than the other girls, but she's very funny. I enjoyed her.

On a random note - I noticed tonight at the very end of the show that Wa

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