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Member Name: stupidmansuit
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re: Musicals That Deserved the Pulitzer
 Feb 11 2008, 11:57:12 AM
Wouldn't "Sweeney" being officailly based on another play (???) right, that was based (???) on another book disqualifiy it?
Also, "Wicked" is my favorite musical of all time.
I just wanted to make that person barf again.
But it's true.
So, yeah.

Worst. Lyrics. EVER.
 Feb 11 2008, 11:54:45 AM
""There are bridges you crossed you didn't know you crossed until you crossed." That has got to be the worst Braodway lyric I have ever heard."

I love that line, about Glinda's just going through the motions of life, and not realizing exactly what she was deciding for herself until it was too late.
And yes, the poo poo line in RENT. I never noticed it until after the movie... don't they speak it? And afterwards, it just sounds awkward sung and I see it more.

re: 'X-Factor' Broadway actors
 Feb 1 2008, 12:25:16 PM
"that she looked like an alien in Enchanted, and that she may be a diva, but nonetheless, I adore her. Any others? "

Ew. This is extreme, and untrue.
LOL, but I'm a fan who acknowledges the other, true, things.

re: What should I take two 14 year olds to see?
 Jan 18 2008, 12:21:10 AM
I'd say Legally Blonde, Hairspray, Phantom, or Les Mis.
re: FINDING NEVERLAND: The Musical Back on the Radar (Musical Team Announce
 Jan 17 2008, 01:02:39 AM
"You'd rather see Schwartz adapt this than Frankel & Korie? Wow."

The condescending tone is not called for.
But yes. It's a free world and we're all entitled to our own opinions. Have F&K done anything else? GG is nice, but the music, for me, is nothing memorable. I'd rather listen to "Wicked" or "Rags" over that most days. I'm sure you thinks that makes me have bad taste-- but for me, it's the reverse.
And, someone with a more schmaltzy/blockbuster tone/track record would

re: Les Mis Movie: Soon?
 Jan 17 2008, 12:58:36 AM
"Well, Sweeney really didn't set the Box Office on fire, did it ?"

Box office doesn't really mean much in the way I see Sweeney. The movie is going to have legs. I can't tell you the random people-- my parents, siblings, friends, of all different ages, who NEVER would have sat down and watched a musical that boarders on opera like Sweeney. But because of Johnny Depp, they did, and discovered/some even loved it.
I think the same thing can be done with Les Mis.

re: Juno the Musical?
 Jan 16 2008, 06:19:13 PM
"Yeah, yeah, we need "Juno" the musical, as much as we need "Norbit" the Musical."

You just know that in 20 years there's going to be a "Norbit" musical in the Xanadu vein...

re: Xanadu
 Jan 16 2008, 06:12:34 PM
I haven't seen the show yet, but I was expecting to love the CR, and it really has done nothing for me. I was so excited when I got it, put it right on the iPod, but I haven't listened to it once yet since the first day I got it.
re: Les Mis Movie: Soon?
 Jan 16 2008, 06:03:55 PM
"I’ll let someone else who knows more address that, but IMO a Les Miz movie would never work. No mainstream audience is going to sit through sung-through musical. The show would have to be completely restructured, and that would probably ruin it for the musical fans."

I think Sweeney Todd proved that audiences will watch completely sung/nearly all sung musicals.
But I do agree that a film might not be necessary because it's such a literal/literary adaptation. But given the phenom

re: FINDING NEVERLAND: The Musical Back on the Radar (Musical Team Announce
 Jan 16 2008, 05:58:50 PM
God I hope this doesn't suck.
I adored the movie, historical inaccuracies aside, it got the Peter Pan spirit right and thus rocked.
I didn't love Grey Gardens, and would like maybe someone known for a more "heart on sleeve emotional" composing, like a Stephen Schwartz or somebody, but I'll cross my fingers.

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