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re: Golden Globes cancelled : (
 Jan 7 2008, 08:35:54 PM
FlyingMonkey, you should know that the Screen Actors Guild contract is up in June. The actors are facing a lot of the same concerns that the writers are. They have to support one another now.
re: Golden Globes cancelled : (
 Jan 7 2008, 08:30:49 PM
While I really, REALLY wanted to see Johnny Depp win his Globe for Sweeney Todd (okay, I'm partisan), I think the WGA has to take this opportunity to make its case. I'm guessing that even if they negotiate some kind of watered down compromise with a press conference and parties and a red carpet, most of the actors still won't show up and I think they should ALL stay home. There's no other way to get the studios to negotiate than ratings pain and loss of commercial revenue and it has to start som
re: The Sweeney Todd Box Office Tracking thread
 Jan 3 2008, 04:05:40 PM
For what it's worth, it looks like Sweeney has already surpassed Rent's entire domestic box office.

Sweeney Tanks in 2nd Week of Release
 Dec 31 2007, 11:31:16 AM
Not going to comment on the box office here except to say that it does seem to be doing decently to me.

But I did have some thoughts on the gore. I too am incredibly squeamish and easily distressed by such things (could not pay me to see Saw, I couldn't even handle the idea of it). I love the musical but wasn't prepared for quite how graphically bloody and violent they actually went. There were times when I was HORRIFIED, but it ultimately made so much sense in the context of the st

re: The Sweeney Todd Box Office Tracking thread
 Dec 29 2007, 12:58:51 PM
bk, I don't work for a studio. I'm a fan. I love Johnny Depp and adore the movie and think it's brilliant. That's the extent of it, really. I just want Sweeney to do well.
re: The Sweeney Todd Box Office Tracking thread
 Dec 29 2007, 02:24:33 AM
Well, I suppose that we will have to go with your eyewitness reports from the four to six daily showings of Sweeney Todd at all 1,249 movie theaters nationwide, then, bk.

Admirable that you can collate the data fast enough to show that every one of the Internet box office sites is wrong.

re: Sweeney Todd Movie Review Thread
 Dec 28 2007, 05:48:07 PM
Something about HBC singing so wistfully about brightening up Sweeney's cold, barren room with daisies has just stuck with me for days. So beautiful and heartbreaking. To me that song encapsulated all the tragedy of the story and she made it so haunting and romantic, which is not a word applied easily to the stage version of Sweeney...she was remarkable.
re: The Sweeney Todd Box Office Tracking thread
 Dec 28 2007, 01:39:53 PM
Just to clarify, that's what I meant about SAGs...that I think the movie lost out on noms just because most members hadn't had a chance to see it yet, not that it was snubbed, not by any stretch of the imagination. I just can't imagine that phenomenal performance not being nommed if enough eyeballs had seen it to vote a majority.

re: The Sweeney Todd Box Office Tracking thread
 Dec 28 2007, 01:00:36 PM
No kidding. You'd think after Sweeney lost out on the SAG nominations the Oscar screeners would have been going out via overnight mail that same day. Maybe they had concerns about pirated versions with the film coming out Dec. 21, or maybe they thought the film was so good and Depp's performance was so good it would stand on its own come Oscar time, but I'm still worried.

I do think it's gotten such incredible reviews and so much great buzz that most Oscar voters probably would take the

re: The Sweeney Todd Box Office Tracking thread
 Dec 28 2007, 11:51:34 AM
Sweeney is premiering in Japan January 7 and in London January 10. I imagine it will be gobbled up in both of those markets like caviar (Johnny Depp is a rock star in Japan).

Attend the tale: this movie is not tanking, stateside or overseas. :)

re: The Sweeney Todd Box Office Tracking thread
 Dec 26 2007, 11:36:17 PM
bk: yep :)

love this movie. I just love it, and I want it to do well, and in the movie musical world it's doing extremely well.

Guess I should get off the soapbox, huh? It's just such a fabulous film. Went to see it on Christmas Day (again) and the theater was packed (again). Several people actually applauded at the moment where Sweeney promises to give Beadle Bamford "the closest shave you will ever know" with a look of hatred so utter and complete that no one would have been

re: The Sweeney Todd Box Office Tracking thread
 Dec 26 2007, 06:29:38 PM
Just to add a bit of perspective. The movie is still in the top five for the holiday weekend (against several films showing in many more theaters) and has made nearly $9.5 million to date. That's close to what the studio was hoping for in that time frame and more than many musicals earn in weeks (and sometimes months). It has gotten almost universally good-to-brilliant reviews and is likely in line for several Oscar nominations. Johnny Depp is in serious contention for a win.

The vast m

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