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Member Name: TheOldRedHillsOfHome
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GYPSY Previews
 Dec 7 2024, 07:22:53 PM

CurtainsUpat8 said: "I am a voice teacher and i have been for decades...I have worked with many, many "legit" "Opera" singers... many of them have had it ingrained in them that BELTING is bad, "Don't do it! You'll hurt your voice"..... They are afraid! I believe Audra is falling into this trap. She CAN BELT... I know she can... she is choosing not to, imho. Or maybe she doesn't "get" how to belt and needs a coach....I'd love to

Dave Malloy's THREE HOUSES at Signature
 Apr 30 2024, 11:10:33 PM

Still digesting this from tonight. I really enjoyed it and am so happy to have seen another Malloy(/Tippe) show.  


But to answer this:

WindyNewYorker said: "Would appreciate if someone can share about the orchestration. Thank you."

The orchestration was a piano/electric home organ double, violin, cello, and French horn joined by some electronics. 
It was a really cool sounding ensemble that was used very well


HERE WE ARE heads to the recording studio
 Jan 10 2024, 05:35:56 PM

That was also my takeaway, which I’m very excited about!

BACK TO THE FUTURE : Lottery/Rush seats?
 Jul 4 2023, 01:11:24 AM

I had a lottery seat tonight and was sitting in Mezzanine B51. It was definitely partial view. I had very little view of the back of the set where the projections were taking place.

For Sale: White Girl In Danger - 1 Ticket (7:00 PM, March 15, 2023)
 Mar 14 2023, 12:05:10 PM

Hi all, 

I have a ticket for White Girl in Danger that I am unable to use for the first preview tomorrow at 7:00 pm. 

The seat is in row E and is near the center of the house. I am asking 47$ and can email the e-ticket to you. 

Feel free to DM me, can take Venmo, Cash App, or PayPal. 

Thank you!

ASSASSINS - Zangara's speech in italian
 Nov 28 2022, 01:33:31 PM

It's odd that the text isn't in the published scripts, but it is in the licensed script that comes with the materials for the show. I've coped that text below.

Per favore, la supplico... 
Noi siamo i disperati gli smarriti...
Viviamo la nostra vita in'esilio...
Espatriati nella nostra terra...
Siamo partati sin dalla nascita, disperandoci...
Ma, attraverso te e la tua azione osiamo sperare...
Attraverso te e la tu

Heart Vocal Score
 May 24 2017, 02:42:07 PM

The Damn Yankees vocal score is published by Alfred (I believe) and is available through the internet music dealer of your choice (Amazon, Sheet Music Plus, JW Pepper, etc.).  I would be surprised if a local library didn't have it in the stacks.  

Where can I find Come From Away lyrics?
 May 10 2017, 10:32:36 AM

At least a few more that aren't listed on the link you gave are there.  It seems that they are slowly being added by contributors.  

Where can I find Come From Away lyrics?
 May 10 2017, 10:30:30 AM

You can find them here.

Great Comet Original Broadway Cast Recording
 Apr 11 2017, 11:39:19 AM

Yes, Natasha Lost was cut from the show before the end of last year.  It is not a matter of it only being left of off the recording.  

Songs about pollution
 Nov 21 2016, 10:31:41 AM

Albeit it not Broadway, nor musical theatre, but I love this one:

Pollution - Tom Lehrer.

American Psycho sheet music available
 Jul 11 2016, 03:29:42 PM

I thought it was "black and charred mahi-mahi"... ¯\_(?)_/¯

 Jun 13 2016, 08:50:07 PM

Yes that was the script to the musical.  Here is a link to purchase a script of an 'adaptation' of the original play: 

I have the Hungarian script of Illatszertár around here somewhere, its a darling play.  It still is quite popular.  The price has gone up quite a bit it seems for the script to the musical.  Here is a link to a few for sale on Amazon:

Best of luck on your search!

 Jun 13 2016, 04:20:20 PM

The script was indeed published, once in 1964 and again after the revival (using the revival artwork and production photos) in 1995.  I purchased a used copy on Amazon 6-or-so years ago.  You might be able to check there or other out-of-print online booksellers.  Best of luck!  It's one of my favorite shows.

Instruments associated with one specific musical
 Jul 3 2015, 01:18:34 PM

In The Gay Life Don Walker orchestrated beautifully around the Cimbalom (a wonderful Hungarian instrument).

The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
 Jun 7 2015, 10:49:44 PM

YES, Kelli: Finally!!

Bridges of Madison County Vocal Selections
 Aug 30 2014, 10:23:13 AM
Hopefully this is a good sign, on MusicNotes two songs are now available. Look at Me, and Something From a Dream. Now we just need the rest!

She Loves Me, Tango Tragique
 Jul 4 2014, 10:21:06 PM
KathyNYC2: A use of the Christmas song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" was added in snippets throughout the scene with carolers and shoppers and they cut small lines at the end of the choruses ("And they have their names printed on their June..."). That was the only thing I can think of being changed for that scene besides one small exchange of dialogue added for the revival.
She Loves Me, Tango Tragique
 Jul 3 2014, 08:48:25 PM
However it is kept as underscoring in the cafe scene! So at least remnants are still there!

lauren9739: The revival is the only one available to license, so yes, that is the only one being performed legally at the moment. There aren't any other differences, really. Besides a use of the 12 Days of Christmas carol being used in the Christmas scene and some key changes. The orchestrations are downsized, which is a pity the original aren't still available to rent for the groups that

She Loves Me, Tango Tragique
 Jul 3 2014, 04:31:35 PM
I remember reading somewhere that they removed Tango Tragique and put in the verse to Dear Friend as a sort of compromise. It was in a book on Bock and Harnick's shows, believe. It is that way in the version that is licensed now.
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