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Profile for nitelight

Member Name: nitelight
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re: Is the Best Replacement Tony History, or does Clay have a shot?
 Mar 29 2008, 04:17:31 PM
JayStarr wrote "Why do we still have cUNnts in these boards? defending Clay Aiken

Should I use my X-Men powers already and banished them? You know not everyone is born EQUAL in the internet....guys like me who works for a Investments Company for Security tracking hackers have special gifts...

First.. hack the website- which is the easiest..bec. they provide their e-mails..most likely its their e-mail..

Second... I will figure out their e-mails..NICE!


re: Are there certain performances of SPAMALOT that Clay does NOT do ?
 Mar 29 2008, 12:12:20 PM
Dominique who prfesses her love for Clay wrote: "being gay is not an excuse for being an asshole."
Tell it to Clay. LOL
Sorry couldn't resist.
My homophobia card? I love to play cards. Does anyone want to play homophobia? "
and Pippin followed with:"Is that like Old Maid?"

Why does discussion of the play always come back to this? I find it curious that the ones blaming others for their rude behavior are the ones who bait first, then cry wolf. I am new to this board, have lurked for awhile, find most of it's participants full of themselves and very unwelcoming. How long does one have to be a member before they are allowed to have an opinion? Seems really unfair to judge a performer on rumor alone, and false rumor at that.

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